Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Reduce Your Carbon Emissions

Saving energy is easier than you think!

The average American generates about 19-20 tons of carbon dioxide each year. Simple activities such as watching television, sending an email message, cooking and making a phone call all produce carbon emissions. But there are many simple and inexpensive ways you can reduce your carbon emissions (and your energy costs) beginning today.

According to Evan Mills, a scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Residential energy use generates approximately 21% of total U.S. greenhouse-gas emissions and transportation represents 33%. This means that you and I, through everyday decisions, impact more than 50% of US greenhouse gas emissions.

Simple But Important Ways to Reduce Carbon Emissions
There are many ways to reduce carbon emissions but those listed below will have great impact. And you don’t have to do them all at once.

Driving and Transportation
• Follow manufacturer recommendations for proper tire inflation and oil change frequently and keep your car tuned. Doing so will significantly improve your fuel mileage and reduce your carbon emissions.
• Slowing down helps. "Driving 65 miles per hour versus 75 miles per hour can save you up to 1,500 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, even more if you drive an SUV," said Urvashi Rangan, a senior scientist and policy analyst with Consumer Reports. Such a speed reduction improves gas mileage by 15% and the savings go directly to the pocketbook.
• Hybrids may not be the answer for everyone. Fuel efficient vehicles in every category can be found in the marketplace today. Choose your car with energy efficiency in mind. By doing so, you can reduce your energy consumption, save money and reduce our reliance on imported oil.
• Consider biking and even walking for local trips. When you must drive, plan ahead to minimize your trips. Park centrally to reduce how often you turn the ignition on and off. Investigate carpool and ride-share possibilities.

Home energy Efficiency
• Implementing the recommendations of a home-energy audit can improve your home's energy efficiency by as much as 25%. Contact your local utility company and ask about an audit. If you live in Marin or the East Bay, you can investigate free energy audit services provided by Rising Sun energy http://www.risingsunenergy.org/cyes.htm Alternatively, you can consider a ‘do-it yourself’ home audit by using the tools found at the Home energy Saver Web site, http://hes.lbl.gov/

• Typical energy efficiency candidates include heating/air conditioning, hot water heater, window and door sealing, insulation, fireplace and chimney, lighting, programmable thermostats, and laundry and kitchen appliances. CFLs have become mainstream. Incandescent has become a “dirty word”.

Eating “Green”
Growing and transporting food accounts for an estimated 17% of the total energy consumption of the US. Foods produced locally simply don't require sophisticated, expensive transportation systems to get to the table. And if chosen with reasonable care, locally produced food is fresher and tastes better. Farmers’ Markets are an excellent source of locally produced food.

5% of US electricity is consumed by electronics products that are turned off, according to the Alliance to Save energy , a Washington, D.C.-based coalition of business and government leaders. At the end of the day, and especially when taking a trip, unplug your appliances including televisions and stereos. Use a power strip, enabling you to plug/unplug a series of devices with a single touch.

Consider a laptop next time you upgrade your PC. Laptops use considerably less energy than desktops. If you use a desktop, use a flat-panel display which uses much less energy than a CRT. Use remanufactured ink and toner cartridges, think twice about printing, use recycled paper products.

Install low-flow toilets, faucet aerators, showerheads. Take more showers, fewer baths. Turn off the water while brushing teeth and shaving. Install a drip irrigation system and consider cheaper, drought resistant alternatives to lawns. Turf grass is a water guzzler.

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Minimize
Separate your trash and recycle. Buy local - transporting product is expensive and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Avoid products with unnecessary packaging. When you can’t avoid, re-use or recycle. Use cloth shopping bags.

Stan Gassman is a co-founder and principal of BSC Sustainability Services, http://www.bscsustainabilityservices.com a consulting company devoted to helping clients increase marketplace value by incorporating sustainability within their culture and operations.

Contact Stan via email, sgassman@bscsustainabilityservices.com

Different Materials Used for Roofing and Determining the Cost of Each One

What is a Roof Roofing Materials Roofing Words Roof Shapes Roofers

There is never a structure you will find that lacks a roof; it is an essential part of the house or building. It plays a very important role of providing protection and shelter much like the walls. It must be sturdy and durable yet stylish. Many a structure is defined by their roofs. They could be made by a multitude of materials and their designs may vary. Since time immemorial, man has found different ways with different materials to build their roofs, each with different characteristics and advantages and disadvantages. As more materials are discovered with each of their own high and low points, they can be very useful in different types of location depending on the weather and location.

As with any building, housing or structural projects, there are many aspects that influences the final decision in which materials to use for roofing and one of them is cost. Here in this article, you will see the advantages and disadvantages plus the average costs, as costs may vary in different states, in the use of different materials for roofing. The cost of roofing referred herein this article is subjected to the breakdown of the roofing material per one hundred square feet. Remember, roofing costs may add up with the labor and other materials needed for installation, this refers only to the roofing materials utilized.

Building your dream house relies on a number of aspects; there is the location, the design, the restrictions of the area, the budget and a plethora of others. It is the same thing with the roof; you have to consider a number of items to get the perfect roof to suit your taste. Basically it is the overall design and materials used in the structure as well as the location and the local restrictions. Here are some of the more basic roofing materials used and the roofing costs to consider per one hundred square feet.

The most commonly used roofing material utilized nowadays is the asphalt shingles. This form is shingles is categorized into two; the organic and the non-organic (fiberglass). They are produced in a wide variety of colors and are rated by their lifespan and durability. They can range from between 20 to 40 years. Asphalt shingles can be customized by providing additional layers giving them a different shadow line. Many asphalt shingle manufacturers provide warranty to their products especially if the certified roofers install them. Asphalt shingles may range from 30 to 35 dollars for every hundred square feet.

Another roofing material that takes the form of shingles is those made from wood. Usually, wood shingles are made from Western Red Cedar; the reason behind this is that this kind of wood is highly resistant to decay and corrosion. Wood shingles are categorized into three kinds, one, two and three. The first type, number one, is more recommended for roofing because they are more durable, the second and third are better for sidings. They are usually sold tapered and in different sizes. Wood shingles roofing cost ranges from 80 to 170 dollars.

Another roofing material that utilizes wood from cedar is the wood shakes roofing material. They are used to provide a natural look, they are either sawed or hand split. Its distinct look has a side with an irregular unique look from the others while the other side has a natural thinner line for a tapered look. Wood shakes are classified by their weight and their sizes. Roofing costs for wood shake are from 70 to a hundred dollars for every one hundred square feet.

The most durable roofing material is made either from clay or concrete. They can be relied upon to provide service from fifty to a hundred years. The most common form is in the half-barrel or somewhat corrugated shape, but it is not uncommon to find flat or tapered styles. But because of their weight, clay or concrete roofing materials may need extra weight in the rafters adding more to the roofing costs which may run with the roofing materials between 150 to 400 dollars per a hundred square feet area.

Online entrepreneur Sara Jenkins, is dedicated to helping others and their needs to succeed in life by offering free payroll tips everyday. To learn more about her free roofing tips, and to sign up for her FREE Roofing articles and FREE bonus how-to books and resources, visit http://www.roofingup.com/

Monday, September 17, 2007

Clean Electricity From the Sun

Photovoltaic Systems

As people search for alternatives to fossil fuel Energy, solar Energy emerges as one of the cleanest and most practical sources of electricity. Solar panels can be installed on rooftops or any area that receives a lot of sunshine. The solar panels consist of a photovoltaic system that converts the Energy of the sun into electricity. The word Photovoltaic is a conjuction of the old Greek word "Photon" meaning light and Volt, the force that makes electrons move

Photovoltaic systems have existed since the 1950s but only in recent years has the technology matured to the point of making it a viable alternative to power utilities. Indeed, most solar systems do not replace the utility company instead they work in conjunction with it to produce extra electricity that can be fed back into the grid.

One of the main problems with solar power is storing it for use during non-daylight hours. Batteries can be used but they are expensive and have a limited life span. As an alternative, excess solar electricity can be fed back to the power utility company for a credit, and then power can be drawn when needed. In a sense, the utility company becomes the storage device.

Most municipalities have legislation requiring power utility companies to accept electricity produced by solar panels or wind turbines. This system benefits everyone "there is less dependency on fossil fuel power plants" and electricity costs are reduced for owners of photovoltaic systems.

This is called net-metering, the specifics depend on your location and utility company. A disadvantage of these grid connected systems is that there invertors disconnect in case of a power faillure. This is a quite logical demand from the utility companies point of view. Their engineers have to know for sure that the grid they are working on is really dead. But from our point of view it can be a nuicance. The solution is a grid connected system with battery backup.

Photovoltaic cells produce electricity by using specially treated materials such as silicon that convert light into power. They can be of almost any size and are suitable for providing electricity for small items such as calculators or watches right up to complete industrial complexes. Because they can be wired together, an array of solar cells can produce enough electricity for residential or commercial needs.

The main requirement, of course, is sunlight. This makes solar power most practical for southern areas such as California and Arizona. But it can also be used in more northerly areas as a backup power system. As the technology advances, photovoltaic cells are able to produce usable amounts of electricity even in low light conditions.

Low Energy Lighting

The Best Investment You Are Ever Likely To Make

If you were offered an investment with a guaranteed return of 900% a year or 10,000% over its lifetime, with no tax to pay, and which had a positive impact on the world, you would snap it up, right? Well this is the sort of return you can get by installing low energy lighting inside and outside your home.

Let’s look at some of the figures. Energy saving bulbs now cost from around £1 each. If you replace a bulb that you use for around 3 hours a night, then you save about £9 a year on your annual electricity bill. Because they last much longer, according to the Energy Saving Trust each low energy light bulb can save you up to £100 in electricity bills over its lifetime. If you add up all the light bulbs and fittings in your house, this adds up a surprisingly large saving.

Plus the benefits aren’t only financial. Something as simple as using low energy bulbs can have a big impact on your personal contribution to Climate Change, by reducing the carbon dioxide emissions you are responsible for. Each bulb on its own will save up to half a tonne over its lifetime. If you replace 10 old-style bulbs in your house that you use for 2 hours a day with low energy bulbs, you will save around a quarter tonne of carbon dioxide each year.

Finally, low energy light bulbs save you time and effort. Because they last around 10 times longer than normal bulbs, when you switch to low energy bulbs you won’t have to get the ladder out so often to replace bulbs that have blown.

So why isn’t everyone making the change to low energy bulbs? Sadly too many of us are creatures of habit, and just carry on buying the same bad bulbs we always have. But now with the wide range on offer, and recent developments which have made low energy bulbs perform just as well as old-style bulbs, it makes sense to change all your bulbs straight away.

It does take a little effort to make the switch at first. First you have to go round your house and write down a list of the bulbs you currently use – including wattage (60w, 100w etc.), type of fixture (screw, bayonet etc), size and colour (e.g. are they toned?)

Next you have to work out the wattage for a low energy bulb that matches the wattage of your current bulbs (for example a 20 watt low energy bulb gives off the same light as a 100 watt old-style bulb). You can find simple tables that can help you do this on the Internet at sites like downwithco2.com.

Once you have worked out the bulbs you need to buy, you can then go shopping. There are many retailers of low energy bulbs on the Internet, or now they are commonly available in supermarkets or hardware stores.

Plus you can also save a lot of money by installing more energy efficient lighting outdoors. Just a few outdoor lights left on each night can double your household lighting bill and your greenhouse gas emissions. The best solution is to fit daylight and movement sensors so outdoor lights switch on when they’re needed, but don’t waste electricity. This also improves your home’s security, as you can tell when someone is approaching the house.

For outdoor lights that must stay on for long periods, use energy efficient, compact fluorescent or LED lamps and choose the lowest wattage lamp that gives enough light. In the garden, you can now buy solar powered garden lights that use no mains electricity and so produce no emissions when used. Plus you don’t need to wire up your garden to get lighting.

So now you have seen all the benefits of low energy lighting, it really does make sense to make the switch as soon as you can.

Alex Perry is a founder of DownwithCO2.co.uk, which helps people cut their personal contribution to climate change through providing information and contacts.

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Plumbers

A plumber is one whose job is to ensure that you are not standing in knee-deep water after every trip to the bathroom or every washing day, or every hour of dish washing. In a building, there are many systems in place and the system of drainage, drinking water, pipe work for heating and cooling systems, and other water pipes – and these all come under the domain of the plumber.

For effective execution of all work under the banner of plumbing, a plumber has to hold a valid license. He must have a thorough knowledge of all the practical and theoretical aspects of the job. A good grasp of math, science and English helps. This job requires one to be ready to work whenever called, in cramped, often dirty places. Duct fixing, mechanical services, gas fitting, sanitary problems, water supply, Roofing and draining are some of the main areas of expertise. To get a license, one has to have the requisite number of years in practical experience and pay the fees and the necessary insurance cover. References are needed from previous and current employers as well as the plumber under whom apprenticeship was completed.

The plumbing code gives a broad spectrum idea of the best and most modern methods of carrying out plumbing operations. Licenses ensure that only capable individuals are given the responsibility. Inspection and permits ensure that work is completed as per regulations.

In a house, plumbing constitutes almost 15% of the value of the house. It has to an efficient system. Drains, toilets, tubes, floor drains, fittings, faucets, compression faucets, kitchen sinks, lavatory bowls and bathtubs, water closets, tanks, shower equipment, water heaters, and pipes all come within the ambit of a plumber’s job.

An efficient plumbing system in your home ensures good health for everyone and goes a long way in protecting the environment. A knowledgeable plumber makes sure the plumbing is as efficient as can be.

Plumbers provides detailed information on Plumbers, Emergency Plumbers, Registered Plumbers, Plumbers Supplies and more. Plumbers is affiliated with Snow Blower Parts .

Solar Energy for Your Home

Advantages and Disadvantages of

In the past few years solar power is being seen as the solution to our Energy needs. On average during the middle of the day the sun provides about 1,000 watts of Energy per hour per square meter. That translates to 1000 watt per hour per square meter or 1 kWh/m2. To put it another way, according to the United States Department of Energy, in a 100 square mile area in the desert southwest of the United States receives enough Energy from the sun to meet the entire US daily Energy needs. Now, here is the challenge: how to effectively convert all of the sun’s Energy in this 100 square mile area into usable electricity.

Advantages of Solar Energy

Solar power for homes via photovoltaic power systems is the most commonly thought of method. There are many advantages of owning and operating a residential solar power system.

  • Solar panels have a long operational life. Most manufactures warrantee their solar panels for 20 years.
  • Producing electricity from solar panels is completely silent process. No noisy diesel or gas motor running to produce the electricity.
  • The solar panels provide some shade for your roof. The area that the photovoltaic panels are covering on your roof is not being heated by the sun which will result in a slightly cooler attic.
  • Once you have reached the pay off point, the amount of time it takes to pay for the residential solar power system's installation cost, from there on the system is earning you money. Money you did not have to spend buying electricity from the power company.
  • Once the solar power system is installed and configured it is pretty much a maintenance free electricity production system. If your system includes a battery pack you will need service the batteries periodically.
With all of these advantages why isn’t everyone using solar power for the home?

There are some disadvantages to solar Energy that you need to be aware of. These need to be taken into account as you consider installing a residential solar power system in your house.

  • A residential solar power system once installed becomes part of the house. When you move, the system stays with the house.
  • Solar power does not work well for large devices that use an electric heat element. Devices like electric hot water heater, electric whole house furnace, electric oven and range.
  • During the night and on cloudy days the solar power system does not produce any electricity.
  • Replacing your composition roofing will require extra work and cost because the solar panels and related mounting hardware will have to be removed from the roof. After the roofer has completed the reproofing work, the solar panels will have to be reinstalled and reconnected by a qualified electrician.
  • The cost per peak watt to have a residential solar power system installed is still much higher than what the electric utility company charges per kilowatt hour.
  • Depending on where you live, hail can be a real problem for the photovoltaic panels. Before purchasing a residential solar power system, find out from the manufacture how durable the panels are with respect to hail.
  • Check with your home owner's insurance agent if your insurance policy covers replacing residential solar power system in the event of a covered event such as fire or weather related damage.
To have a 3.6 kW photovoltaic power system costs about $9 per peak watt on average. The installation cost would be around $32,000. Now, there are some tax incentives and rebates to help off set the installation cost, but there is a sizable investment that still needs to be made out of your own pocket. The 3.6 kW solar power system will provide about half of the power needs of the average home. You will still need to purchase electricity from the electric company, just not as much.

The advantages and disadvantages of solar power are many and these are a few of the major ones that you need to be aware of, especially if you are considering having a residential solar power system installed.

Want more information on solar power for homes? Try visiting http://www.homesolarpowerguide.com , a popular website that offers tips, advice and resources related to do it yourself solar power, solar power generation, finding a solar power installer and residential solar power.