Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bible Story - King Ahab and Elijah Part 1

God sends Elijah to King Ahab

God's people, living in the land of Palestine, had gone away from Him and had begun to serve idols like the heathen nations around them. Because of this, God had allowed them to suffer many hard things. Their land was divided into two parts which were called the Northern or Israel, and the Southern Kingdom or Judah. In the northern kingdom the people were especially wicked and never turned back to God again.

They had bad kings who led them into wicked ways. Finally a king was crowned there who was very, very wicked. The Bible says, "And Ahab did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him." Long before this God had given them His commandment which said, "Thou shalt have any other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."

Ahab married a very wicked women from a heathen land. When he brought her to live in Samaria, he began to worship her gods. He built a temple to Baal, her heathen god. Then he made a great image of Baal before which people worshiped. Baal was a sun god and a god of fire. Thousands of people in Samaria began to worship Baal and many hundreds became priests of Baal and lived in his temple, leading the people in this sinful worship.

It seemed as if the whole country would follow the king in this wicked worship and forget the living God. They turned from His commandments. They wanted a god they could see and touch like the nations around them. God did not stop loving His people, even though it grieved Him when they sinned against Him. He sent a prophet to them. A prophet is one who is sent to the people to give them the word of God. They did not have copies of the Bible like we do today. Even though some parts of the Old Testament were written, there were very few copies and only the leaders could have them.

The prophets came to tell the people the message from God. Elijah was a prophet. He was a strong, rugged man who wore a leather girdle or belt. One day God told Elijah to go to King Ahab with a message. It must have taken courage for Elijah to go to the palace and into the presence of the wicked king with all his wealth and his soldiers and servants. Elijah's message was from God. Many years before this, God told them in His law that, if they continued to love and serve Him only, He would bless their land with rain, so that they could have crops each year: but if they turned away from Him and served other gods, He would shut up the heavens so that there would be no rain and nothing would grow, Deut. 11:13-19.

Elijah knew this and he believed that God would do exactly as He had said. Suddenly he appeared before the king and said, "As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except as I say it shall come." Perhaps the king called to his servants to take hold of Elijah and have him punished because he had spoken so boldly, but Elijah turned and walked out of the palace without another word. He had given God's Word to the king as God had commanded him.

Julia Shipley is a committed Christian worshiping and serving in her local church. She has a heart for the young children and the youth believing the word of God is the final authority. For information regarding Sunday school material and Bible stories for 3-11 year olds visit

Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World

Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.

Rodney Atkinson, author of three books on the subject of Fascist Europe Rising (his most recent), led the charge, sounded the alarm, from a strictly secular point of view that interestingly matched what theologian Herbert W. Armstrong was warning about from a purely biblical perspective: the revival of the unholy Roman Empire is well underway and most remain oblivious to its inherent dangers.

Both the Bible and history serve as two witnesses that testify against the German-Jesuit dominated drive to control the European continent and then the world, enforcing a Pax Romana of sordid s5B4orts.

Do you really think such a grand design would limit itself to Europa or restrain itself to remain a regional power? Truth is stranger than fiction.

Calls are increasing for the destruction of the European monster in the making, to abort the beast while it is still possible, due to legitimate concerns ranging from the fascist tendencies of the EU, its Nazi role model starkly laid out and exposed, and fears it will ultimately implode and impede Europe for years and drag the whole world down with it.

In Abolish The European Union, Robert Locke considers "The EU is a mortal threat to the civil liberties of those who live under it.... The EU is quite plausibly the nucleus of an aspiring soft-totalitarian world state; it is in fact far more likely to fulfill this role than the justly-despised UN. I apologize if this sounds alarmist, but history clearly teaches us to think ahead to the logical implications of things that are just beginning... there are signs that Europe is awakening to the monster in its midst."

Even "Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship"

"In a speech he delivered in Brussels Mr Vladimir Bukovsky called the EU a "monster" that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state."

Notice the reoccurring use of the word "monster" in reference t5B4o the rising beast in Europe. Germany is the head of the monster even though The Atlantic Times, among others, looks the other way and refuses to question: Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow? Even though Johannes Gross revealed his countrymen wear a mask. 'But the day may come when someone lifts the mask," he wrote. "... So long as we wear the mask, we remain hidden and continue to conceal the situation from ourselves.'"

Others fear the colossal failure of the European Union and its tragic consequences.

Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon laments "The EU wants to recreate the Roman Empire and ends up creating the second fall of Rome."

Christopher Booker and Richard North, co-authors of The Great Deception: Can the European Union Survive? believe the EU is destined to fail and would "leave a terrible devastation behind it, a wasteland from which it would take many years for the peoples of Europe to emerge" and conclude: "... the project Monnet had set on its way was a vast, ramshackle, self-deluding monster: partly suffocating in its own bureaucracy; partly a corrupt racket, providing endless opportunities for individuals and collectives to outwit and exploit their fellow men; partly a mighty engine for promot5B4ing the national interests of those countries who knew how to 'work the system'... The one thing above all the project could never be, because by definition it had never been intended to be, was in the remotest sense democratic."

However, biblical prophecy shows that the European Union will be highly successful, rich and powerful enough to enforce their economic, political and religious views upon the rest of the world, insisting all receive their mark of approval or else (Revelation 13:16-18; 17; 18).

"Corporatism is of course the basic building brick of all fascist systems," Rodney Atkinson notes in CORPORATISM - THE EUROPEAN DISEASE IS CATCHING.

Apparently, Mr. Atkinson is right again as Jerome Corsi has been exposing how our Southern border blurs for global trade, in accordance to treacherous plans well underway to create the "North American Union" that merges Mexico, the United States and Canada, complete with the "Amero," all under "...the Strategic and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP. The SPP agreement was reached between President Bush, President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin during their March 2005 summit meeting in Waco, Texas. The Bush administration plan is to create a North American Unio5B4n along the model of the European Union...." (emphasis mine).

Corresponding with Mr. Corsi about these developments by design at home and abroad, he responded:

"Common markets and free trade zones are forming across the globe. The North American Union is further along than we think. This is a fight we have to take on, otherwise the USA is gone."

That's the whole purpose of the globalists! No wonder President Bush doesn't give a hoot (remember the Bohemian grove?) about borders with Mexico. Many leaders have sold their souls, betrayed their people and backstabbed their countries.

Reuters Arthur Spiegelman, wrote on May 10, 1996: "Realizing they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi leaders met top German industrialists to plan a secret post-war international network to restore them to power, according to a newly declassified U.S. intelligence document. The document...says an SS general and a representative of the German armaments ministry told such companies as Krupp and Rohling that they must be prepared to finance the Nazi Party...when it went underground."

We are now witnessing the beast beginning to rear its ugly head again and come out from its exile, having taken firm root throughout the world. Germany's Fourth Reich is forming with partnerships around the globe, its Assyrian eagle looking both East and West as its talons are determined to clutch countries as prey and enslave all to their system58D.

The secret Nazis are getting more brazen and will soon shed their corporate, political, educational and religious cloaks to openly promote their new emperor to oversee this international enterprise of elitists called BABYLON.

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

The Promise of the Primitial First-Fruits

When you receive the Seal you will experience death but your soul will live. You will live just like Jesus, the primitial first-fruits, rose from the dead after He was killed.

You will live even after you have died because your soul has not died. If God kills a soul, that soul is sent to hell and can never be with God again. That is the death of the soul and the end of all Life.

But there are other deaths you experience and some of them are good deaths. There is the death of the body. That is not necessarily good but can be good. It is good for the body to die and the soul to go to Heaven.

Then there is spiritual death. That is always a bad death, though not as bad as the death of the soul. Usually you can die spiritually yet your soul will live on. But you are not "fully" alive.

When you sin you die spiritually. When you are sealed the Holy Spirit will come and live within you, inside your belly. The Holy Spirit will give you Life and you will live spiritually.

And you can come to Life again spiritually by repenting from sin. Just as Jesus rose from the dead you can know spiritual Life again after you have spiritually died.

The death of the old natural person is the good death. This is the death you die daily--and the death you die when you are sealed. Your old natural person dies under the feet of Jesus and you are reborn with Life of the Spirit.

Your soul does not die when your old natural self dies, or when your body or Spirit dies either. Your soul will live until Judgment Day and if you are sealed you will belong to God so your soul will live when you are judged.

God will not judge against Himself and He will not condemn Himself. When you are sealed He will write His Name upon you and claim you as His own. So He will not condemn you any more than condemn Himself.

Jesus is the primitial first-fruits of Life from the dead. His resurrection was more glorious than what most of us can boast as our own revival, for the Body of Jesus came back to Life as well as His Soul and Spirit.

You too will live from the dead when you trust in Jesus Christ and become sealed. When God claims you as His own He will give you Life within yourself just as Jesus had Life within Himself.

Adam and Eve brought death upon you and Jesus brings you Life. But not all death is bad death. You will want to take up your cross and follow Jesus daily and put your old natural self to death.

Your Seal is a cross you take up to follow Jesus since you have died at His feet. But just as Jesus had primitial Life within Himself and rose from the dead, so you will live when you sacrifice yourself.

So your Seal will be a symbol of Life as well as of submission to death. Eternal Life. For you will live forever when God has called you by His own Name. He can not die and will not allow His Name to die either.

But you will always die the good death because your old natural self will sometimes resist the Name of God upon you. And by putting it to death, you become less a fallible person and more a perfect creation.

You will always follow Jesus to Life from death, whether good death or bad death. He is the primitial first to rise from the dead and He is the primitial first-fruits. You too will bear the fruit of Life when you receive the Seal.

And now Jason invites you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian?
And donate to get the ebook Seal of the Soul.

Jason Witt

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Spiritual Eye

When God can not teach you anything he makes you a teacher. You have to make sure in
this lifetime you are going to learn something. This subject is so vast we are going to start
with the God you are going to meditate on. You want to meditate on God but you do not
truly know the kind of God you are looking for. Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual
master from India, is the only master who described the duel God whom the Romans
called the jealous God. The God of two faces; the God connected with doors and gates
which is a perfect explanation.

First we have the asp2234ect of God in creation that is cosmic intelligence which created the
world and the entire universe without form with his infinite intelligence. He permeated
every atom of creation with this intelligence. But that intelligence which is in our brain
and mind pertains to our soul not to our ego and therefore we have great difficulty and that is why we are living in ignorance. This can be proven to you. When you begin to develop cosmic intelligence you will know where you came from, you will know who you are, you will know where
you are going and you know the God you are looking for. The masters from India tell us are real name is "Sat Chit Ananda" which means ever blissfully conscious of your eternal existence.
But you can not be that cosmic intelligence until you work one hundred percent
to open up the gate to that intelligence --the key is your conscience. Your conscience is
God's cosmic intelligence vibrating through you. Each time you interfere with your
conscience you are back into ego consciousness, ignorance and duality. You have human
intelligence which endlessly lies to you then you have divine intelligence and your
conscience and then you have cosmic light.

Since God needed some bricks to build his
universe; he built the entire universe as light but at the same time we have cosmic
darkness. That light is right between the eyebrows. To those who meditate do you see any
light? Most of us see nothing but darkness, complete darkness and that is the Kali Yuga
state. You want to meditate and you get so bored with it then you quit because you see
nothing, feel nothing and hear nothing and when God stirs the galaxy and solar systems it
makes a sound, a great sound of Aum. There are two powers within that sound: attraction
and repulsion. There is beautiful music like the music of Mozart and there is heavy
metal and rap. One leads you to uplifting mood and the other leads you down the drain.
The whole universe is made of a positive and negative approach in everything.

Furthermore we have cosmic wisdom in order to create religions to unite all beings under
one God. We have cosmic wisdom but we do not know. The role of every religion in the
world is to teach union, but instead of teaching cosmic wisdom, they are
teaching separateness and cosmic confusion. There are endless wars between religious
people in the name of one God, and everybody is willing to kill each other and die for
their religion. Suicide bombers are killing themselves and others every day in Iraq
thinking they are going to heaven by dying for their beliefs. Mankind has great
knowledge but absolutely no wisdom. Anybody we hurt on the other side of the earth
affects us all physically. It is like hitting your foot with a hammer and oh! my head hurts.
Everything happening on this globe today affects our daily life in thoughts, words,
feeling and actions. We have cosmic love and cosmic hate and these forces keep
every nation separated from each other with different customs, different languages and
different everything that causes total confusion. We have cosmic joy and then we have
cosmic sorrow.

People suffer separation at death because the concept of death creates
universal sorrow. The concept of death stems from the greatest ignorance of who we are.
Therefore, when we lose a child, a father, or a mother, we grieve, when they
experience death. We need to realize we are immortal. In the future this concept will not
even exist. There is cosmic peace and there is cosmic unrest that is not perpetual
motion but perpetual commotion. There are people that the moment they enter a
room they become perpetual commotion. We have unrest everywhere. Then there is
cosmic beauty and cosmic ugliness in human behavior towards one another. Torturing in
concentration camps and the devastation of world war two are perfect examples of cosmic
ugliness, oppression, and dictatorship and so on. Then there is cosmic love and cosmic
hate. Worshiping God with the mind no matter what type of yogi we are will endlessly
put us through the experience of these dualities. As long as we worship God with our ego
no matter how advanced our ego is we will experience duality. There is a certain kind of
yoga devoid of these dualities and that is cosmic bliss. If one can make the effort to
anchor oneself in that which is changeless one may obtain that cosmic bliss which is
nothing else but ones own soul divine nature. We can experience all these states of God
without duality. To seek God, put your mind (ego) aside, shut-off the five senses and look
at the door of the infinite. There is this hidden stair that will take you up there where God
can be perceived without duality known as the spiritual eye.

Why are we meditating? What are we trying to achieve when the great sages and spiritual masters from India say there are two kinds of people in the world? There are those who meditate and seek God and those who dont. Those who meditate, have a clear advantage over those who do not meditate. In meditation the conscious mind is used as an instrument through which the soul transmits knowledge to our physical brain. This instrument then gradually establishes a close relationship with the soul until they become literally one and knowledge merges into wisdom. Visualization is not meditation or a form of it. Meditation is not thoughts, it is focusing your attention on the object of meditation. For example, if you want to know what a lake is, you can jump into the lake, swim into the lake and absorb into the lake. Likewise, meditation is absorbing oneself into the object of meditation. True meditation is absorption in God and it has absolutely nothing in common with the unscientific techniques of breathing taught by a host of ill-advised zealots. According to the scriptures human beings require one million years of healthy, normal evolution to perfect the human brain in order to achieve the sublime state of cosmic consciousness. There is a technique called Kriya Yoga. It is a method through which human evolution can be quickened. A book titled "Autobiography of a Yogi" by Paramahansa Yogananda, a spiritual classic, explains the actual meditation technique of burning off karma, which is freely given by the Self-Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles California in lesson form, mailed to your home.

During meditation you must break the connection between the body and the mind.
As long as you are conscious of your body you cannot go deep into meditation. You have
to have complete forgetfulness of your body and that means a state of absolute
immovability. As long as you move even once, like to scratch yourself, you have broken
that magnetic field and you have to start over again at that point to gain depth in
meditation. Desires constantly agitates the meditator and wisdom can only be perceived
when one stops moving. Intuition comes the moment you are still to guide you. That is
why some people quit meditating; they cannot go deep enough to gain any results
therefore they lose interest. Some have what is called the yo-yo syndrome; this
alternating condition is when two tendencies over power each other then alternately like
two lovers who sometimes become angry affect alternately with deep enthusiasm for
meditation and then sudden dryness and indifference, then in one moment they get very
interested and drop everything else.

It is impossible to resist the temptation of this world unless we have something better given to us through the practice of meditation. Meditation is the
cultivation of concentration upon the spiritual eye. The moment your eyes go down you
fall asleep and lean forward like many do when concentration is not locked up at the point
between the eyebrows. You cannot enter into these higher states of consciousness until
the ego becomes relaxed. The western mind is so intellectually uptight that it has to
rationalize everything; that is why it takes a long time before we can feel anything. We
must go beyond the ego self to be able to relax and to experience real feelings. No wonder
we are unable to love one another!

Copyright 2006 Gary Zalben
You may reprint this article as long as the source is kept intact. For more information about the author and self-improvement writings see 10D3

About the Author
Gary Zalben - Original Author, Article titled: How to Sell a Dead Horse

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Cultivate a Spiritual Relationship

What is a spiritual relationship?

A relationship is how we relate to other. A spiritual relationship is a relationship that aims for the highest good for those in the relationship. It is one that facilitates our spiritual growth.

Here are some tips on how to cultivate a spiritual relationship with anoth2238er.

1. A Spiritual Being in Physical Experience

Most people believe they are physical human beings, with perhaps some tendency or inclination to seek a spiritual experience. Living with this belief automatically limits our spiritual experience for it puts our spirituality in the backseat.

Instead, choose to believe that we are spiritual beings in physical manifestation. This choice automatically brings your spiritual experience into center stage, and you will begin to see every relationship as an opportunity for spiritual growth.

Remember, whatever you choose to believe in, you're right, for a belief is merely a perception of reality.

2. Free Will

As a spiritual being, we have free will and complete control over our life. However, this is only true IF we have full control over our mind. The more mindful or conscious we are, the more free will we have.

Therefore, in every situation in a relationship, we have a choice as to how we choose to respond. We have the freedom to respond positively or negatively. Responding positively not only helps us to grow spiritually but also offer the other person an opportunity to do so as well. When we respond negatively, we miss an opportunity for growth.

3. Do not judge

To judge implies that we are superior to another. It implies that we know better or are more evolved. This is the working of the egoic mind. Every time we judge, we validate and strengthen our egoic mind.

Our egoic mind is the proverbial devil in disguise. If it cannot win by force, it will try to win through cunning and trickery. It is so good and subtle at this that we are often fooled by it.

To judge also implies that we are forcing our own beliefs, concepts, desires and expectations on another. In other words, we are not honoring their free will.

Each time we judge another, we are doing ourselves and the other person a disservice. We are perpetuating a negative tendency that continues to validate our egoic mind. At the same time, we encroach on the other person's space and choice, and are more likely to create a resistance in him or her, rather than a positive respond.

4. Do not blame

To blame also implies superiority over another. To blame another also means we do not take responsibility for our share in the relationship.

A relationship is a two-way thing. It takes two to tango. You cannot clap with one hand. This means that in a relationship, both are equally responsible for the outcome.

When we blame another, we are actually saying, "It is your fault, not mine."

However, we should also remember not to blame ourselves. Since every relationship is an opportunity for spiritual growth, take every situation as an opportunity to learn and evolve. There is no need to blame oneself or others.

5. Acceptance

Learn to accept ourselves and the other person, together with all the strengths and weaknesses. We are here to evolve into a spiritual being with full consciousness in our physical manifestation. Each of us are here for certain unique lessons.

Through acceptance, we help each other to grow. Through acceptance, we let go of our tendency to judge, blame and control.

In cultivating a spiritual relationship, we are BE-ing unconditional love.

Dr. Tim Ong is a medical doctor who runs his own thriving medical practice. In his free time, he enjoys giving public talks, teaching meditation and offering his service to hospice work in the community. He also has keen interest in self improvement, mind science and spirituality. Dr. Ong is the author of "From Fear to Love: A Spiritual Journey" which was recently launched. He is the webmaster of and

A Spiritual Perspective on Resolving the Grief of Sudden Infant Death

If home is where the heart is, so also dwells there a place for healing the grief and anguish of losing a child or any loved one.

All we need do is step inside our heart by means of a heart-centered meditation.

The heart isn't only a physical organ or merely an intellectual concept. The heart is the very center of our self-awareness--our consciousness as created souls. The heart is where mind, body, feelings, and spirit come together and where issues within self and between self and others can be examined and resolved in a loving manner.

It is also where parent and child may meet again, even if the child is no longer in a physical body. The heart space is accessible to the energy of consciousness of both the living and the so-called dead.

The process is simple.

Step One: Find a quiet, comfortable, secure place where there will not be any disruptions or intrusions. Those accustomed to meditating may already have such a place. Lying on a bed is fine, as is leaning back in a comfortable recliner or lounge chair. Whatever helps put the seeker of resolution at ease will do. Make sure a box of tissues is within reach.

Step Two: Close your eyes to help calm the body and the mind. It may not be possible to empty it of all thought, so don't try to do so. Don't try to do anything or not do anything. Simply be still, physically and mentally.

Step Three: Focus on breathing. Breathe in and out. Each time in, hold it a little longer before exhaling. Each time out, hold it a little longer before inhaling. Repeat this until inhaling for as long as it s comfortable and exhaling for as long as it is comfortable. This is an easy and gentle means of lengthening and slowing your breathing rate. Please take it slowly.

Step Four: Imagine standing before the doors to your heart. At this point, if you are familiar with your guides (angels), invite them to come along with you. Then imagine those doors opening and move into your heart space.

Step Five: If your heart space seems dim or confined, ask for more light and clarity. Guides can help with this, although they are not necessary to receive assistance. When the space is lighter and freer, look for a pool or stream of water. There is always water within the heart, even if it is just a trickle. Water is how the soul or spirit energy that anchors within our heart space appears to us in spirit.

Step Six: Sit beside this water. If desired, take a drink of it or even bathe in it. It is your own spiritual energy and is healing and reassuring. Once comfortable beside the water, invite the dead child into your heart as well. Don't be surprised to find that the child comes eagerly and may even have preceded your invitation into your heart. If the child seems hesitant, send out love and reassurance and ask the child's guides to encourage the visit.

Step Seven: Once your child is by the water, allow all emotions to flow freely. There will be tears, and they are healing, so do not repress them. Use the tissues close by and continue. Talk with your child. Tell the child about your feelings. Ask the child why s/he left the body. Listen to the answer, which may come as images, thoughts, feelings, or even as distinct words. Embrace each other again, and ask for God's blessing on both and on all of those affected by the child's passing. Take your time in this stage. There is no hurry.

Step Eight: Once you have resolved your feelings and gotten answers to your questions, feel free to invite the child's other parent and siblings, if any, into this heart space. Embrace each other. Talk to each other and listen to what each soul says. Play together. Laugh and cry together. Help your spouse and other children resolve their issues over their loss. Go ahead and ask God again for another blessing for this group.

Step Nine: Say farewell to all souls who have visited your heart, and grant them free passage in and out of this space. Know that it is possible to return to this space at any time and be with the departed child in spirit and feeling.

Step Ten: Open your eyes and sit up. By all means, discuss your experiences and new understandings with those you trust.

A heart-centered meditation permits us to communicate with others at the emotional and spiritual levels, which provides insights not available to the conscious mind. Such insights are one of the keys to attaining resolution for spiritual and emotional wounds. Souls need to understand why as part of the healing process.

Although powerful, heart-centered meditation is not the only spiritual method to help resolve the grief of loss. Future columns will review yet another such approach.

Candace (C.L.) Talmadge is the author of the Green Stone of Healing(R) epic fantasy series and a political columnist syndicated by North Star Writers Group

Monday, August 4, 2008

Consider Installing a Standby Generator

Now is definitely the time to consider installing a standby generator. Hurricane season starts in a couple of months and there is no reason to believe that the shortage of electrical power will be corrected in the near future. Weather systems have been producing severe weather throughout North America and other parts of the world, in areas that have not seen these phenomena previously. The installation of a standby generator will provide you and your family with security and comfort in the event the power grid or local disaster stops the flow of electrical power to your home.

Standby generators come in a variety of sizes for both residential and commercial applications. The size governs the maximum power that you will have available in the even of a power outage. Some homeowners want the comfort and security provided by a total replacement of the incEAAoming power, while others are satisfied with having enough energy to maintain, heating, refrigerators, freezers, and some basic lighting.

Convenience is also a consideration when considering the size of the standby generator that you require. As an example, the stove and hot water tank (if they are electric) create the highest amount of power consumption in a home. A standby generator can be installed so that you can have hot water and your stove but not at the same time.

Heating and air conditioning are also heavy electrical energy draws. Again, a homeowner may be satisfied with the loss of air conditioning for a few days rather than pay for a standby generator that can deliver enough power to keep the house cool. If you have forced air heating, the blower uses a motor that requires electricity to operate. Without an operating blower, the furnace will not work even if gas or fuel oil supplies are still available.

A standby generator is not the same as a portable generator although a portable generator can be used to supply temporary power. Standby generators are generally installed so that they start automatically and switch the load, in the event of a power failure. A portable generator usually requires set-up, including the physical connection to whatever load it is to service, and must be started manually. The amount of fuel available is usually substantially different. Where a standby generator is usually equipped with enough fuel for at least 72 hours of uninterrupted operation a portable generator may have three to five hours of run time with its fuel supply.

Standby generators are available to operate from natural gas (NG), liquid propane (LP), or diesel fuel. If your local zoning will allow, I recommend the installation of a LP standby generator. LP has the advantage that it is stored on your property so that should the natural gas delivery system also be affected because of the natural disaster (in many instances the natural gas pipeline will be shut down after a natural disaster to avoid potential explosions from fallen wires), it will not affect your ability to generate electrical power. Diesel standby generators are generally used in commercial facilities. Diesel, although stored locally on the site, has the disadvantage that after a period of time it needs to be replaced, if not used. This can be a costly expense.

Whichever type of generator you purchase make sure you follow the manufacturers installation instructions and your local building codes. The installation of a standby generator does require a building permit. Remember that any electrical generator, portable or stationary, uses a combustion engine to power it. Where there is a combustion engine operating, you have will have carbon monoxide gas, which is toxic.

Proper planning is the key to a successful standby generator installation.

For additional information on standby generators for your home or other home improvement projects, visit Renovation Headquarters

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Metal Gazebo - The Best Gazebo For Your Yard

A gazebo is a great way to add functional space to your backyard with grace and charm. Envision entertaining your guests in your handsome gazebo on a warm summer evening as the stars twinkle above you. The uses for a gazebo are many including a dining or sitting area or an enclosure for your hot tub or spa. They are becoming ever more popular for large gatherings like w5B4eddings and corporate events. A metal gazebo will offer structural strength without the mass of other materials such as those made of wood.

A metal gazebo will offer a wide range of protection against the weather depending upon which design you choose. If your metal gazebo has roofing or a tarp, this will provide you with protection against the sun and rain. With a screened metal gazebo or a gazebo with netting, you will enjoy being protected against those pesky, biting insects that can ruin even the most casual evenings.

When you are in the planning stages of your gazebo, you can include metal structures when researching the type of gazebo you want without fear of the metal gazebo rusting. Most metal structures are made out a non-rusting material such as coated steel or aluminum. A metal gazebo can add elegance and appeal to any backyard setting and it will last for years to come without requiring too much up-keep.

When you opt for a metal gazebo, you will find many unique and unusual styles that are not available with other materials. You can be as elaborate or as understated as you like. You are sure to find the perfect gazebo to fit yours and your familys lifestyle when you see how much is available. They are easily assembled, and often provide legs for giving extra stability. You can purchase your metal gazebo in a kit and do the assembly yourself, or have someone from the store you purchased it from, 527come and install it for you.

You will never be sorry you chose a metal gazebo to construct in your backyard. It will make everyday family events seem like something special. You can decorate your metal gazebo to reflect the changing seasons and your unique personality. Start looking into getting a metal gazebo for your outdoor needs and begin enjoying the al-fresco lifestyle you deserve.

Want to learn more about">Metal Gazebos?, feel free to visit us at:">

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Confusion Surrounding Sealing

There would seem based my own experience that there is a lot of confusion amongst the general public and some builders as to what sealing natural stone actually means.

When we talk about sealing a surface we normally mean that an impenetrable barrier is painted on or applied in some way. For example tiled floors are often sealed to give them added protection and make them shine. To do this a series of coats of emulsion polish are applied to the surface and allowed to dry. This seals the floor and gives it protection. Other surfaces such as wood are often sealed with a coating of a polyurethane product. This adds strength to the surface and protects it. Many other normally porous surfaces can be sealed with a layer that sits on the surface acting as a barrier to penetrative agents and gives protection also.

The sealing of natural stone su16B3ch as marble, granite, limestone and slate is very different. Natural stone is made up of crystals that interlock together. The actual minerals that are present as crystals in the stone give it its colour and striations. However there are spaces between the crystal and the smaller these spaces are and the more the crystals have been compacted together the less porous the stone is. So these spaces will determine the porosity of the stone. A combination of pore size and mineral content of the stone will also determine its hardness and thus its durability. These spaces in the stone are air filled when the stone is dry and water filled when the stone is wet. Bacteria inhabit these spaces and these are often vital for the maintenance of the stone. Very little research has been carried out into these bacteria but what has been done would suggest that they are essential in maintaining the integrity of the stone.

Consequently we have the picture of stone as quite a complex mix of minerals, bacteria and spaces. You must imagine the stone to be something akin to a very hard sponge! If you drop a liquid onto the stone it will be absorbed and spread through the spaces. This is why what initially looked like a small spillage can end up as quite a large stain in the stone. To remove the stain it has to be flushed out of these spaces. All a stone sealer does it fill up these spaces. Many of the stone sealants in use are based on fatty acids rather than synthetic sealants. These natural sealants are better because they do not destroy the bacteria but often enhance them. Synthetic sealants will destroy these bacteria that has longer-term consequences on the stones makeup. Sealants based on fat however have a shorter lifespan and must be renewed periodically.

Whatever sealant is used it simply fills up the spaces between the crystals it does not cover the surface of the stone. Its purpose is simply to delay the penetration of liquids into the stone. So if corrosive materials get onto the stone then it will be damaged. Stone sealants do not form a protective seal on the surface of the stone. Consequently stone is only protected from absorbing liquids. It is not protected from surface damage.

David Andrew Smith is the owner of a cleaning services company which also specialises in the cleaning, care and maintenance of natural stone surfaces.

Concentration Is The Power

Have you ever taken note how you breathe when you feel in love with the whole world or with some one special and that noble emotions which thrills you. When you are fille111Cd with good thoughts, you breathe a plentiful supply of oxygen into your lungs and love fills your soul. Love develop a person, this feeling changes them physically, mentally and socially. They breathe deeply when they are happy and they will gain life and strength; they will steady their mind and will develop a power in concentration and become magnetic and powerful. If you want to get more out of life you must think more of love. LOVE is the GIVER. Unless you have real deep affection for something or some one, you have no sentiment, no sweetness, no magnetism. So arouse is your love and deep affections by your will you enter into a FULLER life. A FULLER life is sweetness in itself. The Energy , the POWER.

The hand of love always magnifies, but it must be steady and controlled. Love can be concentrated in your hand shake, and this is one of the best ways to influence another. The handshake that is steady and firm will be the controlled mind.

The next time you feel yourself becoming irritable, use your will and be patient. This is a very good exercise in self-control. It will help you to keep patient if you will breathe slowly and deeply. If you find you are commencing to speak fast, just control yourself and speak slowly and clearly. Keep from either rising or lowering your voice and concentrate on the fact that you are determined to keep your poise, and you will improve your power in concentration.

When you meet people of some importance, assume a reposeful attitude before them. Try Do this at all times. Watch both them and yourself. Static exercises does develops the motor faculties and increase the power in concentration. If you feel yourself getting irritable, nervous or weak, stand squarely on your feet with your chest up and inhale deeply and you will see that your irritability will disappear and a silent calm will pass over you.

If you are in the habit of associating with nervous, irritable people, quit them until you grow strong in the power in concentration, because irritable, angry, fretful, dogmatic and disagreeable people will weaken what powers of resistance you may have.

Any exercises that give you better control of your ears, fingers, eyes, feet, will help you to steady your mind; when your eye is steady, your mind is steady. One of the best ways to study a person is to watch his physical movements, for when we, study they actions, we are studying their mind.

As actions are the expressions of the mind. As the mind is, so is the action. If it is uneasy, restless, erratic, unsteady, its actions are the same. When it is composed, the mind is composed. Concentration means control of the mind and body. You cannot secure control over one without the other.

Many people who seem to lack ambition have WEAK or SLUGGISH minds. They are steady, patient and seemingly have good control, but this does not say they are able to concentrate. These people are indolent, inactive, slow and listless, because they lack energy; they do not lose control because they have little FORCE to control. They have no temper and it therefore cannot disturb them. Their actions are steady because they possess little energy. The natural person is internally strong, energetic and forceful, but his energy, force and strength, thoughts and physical movements are well under his control.

If a person does not have energy, both mental and physical, he must therefore, develop it. If he has energy which he cannot direct and hold to a point he must learn to do so. A man may be very capable, but, unless he WILLS to control his abilities, they will not do him any good.

I have heard so much talk about the benefit of physical culture, but the real benefit of this is really lost sight of. There is nothing that holds the faculties at work in a sustained and continuous manner as static exercises do. For, as I stated before, when you learn to control the body, you are gaining control over the mind. I would suggest to you to read my blog "Motivate Yourself To Achieve Anything".

How to Gain What You Want Through Concentration

The ignorant person may say, "How can you get anything by merely wanting it? I say that through concentration you can get anything you want. Every desire can be gratified. But whether it is, will depend upon you concentrating to h5B4ave that desire fulfilled. Read my previous article. By merely wishing for something will not bring it. Wishing you had something shows a weakness and not a belief that you will really get it. So never merely wish, as we are not living in a "fairy age." You use up just as much brain force in "vain imaginings" as you do when you think of something worth while.

Be careful of your desires, make a mental picture of what you want and set your will to this until it materializes. Never allow yourself to drift without helm or rudder. Know what you want to do, and strive with all your might to do it, and you will succeed.

Feel that you can accomplish anything you undertake. Many undertake to do things, but feel when they start they are going to fail and usually they do. I will give an illustration. A man goes to a store for an article. The clerk says, "I am sorry, we do not have it." But the man that is determined to get that thing inquires if he knows where he can get it. Again receiving an unsatisfactory answer the determined buyer consults the manager and finally he finds where the article can be bought. He was persistant to have what he wanted. He made certain that that he would get what he came for. "NO" was not in his vocabulary.

I love helping people who need advice on Home Environment wh4A8ich include help with advice and tips for families with debt and personal problems in sickness, weight loss, back pain, tips on how to save money at home and away from home, internet products. After all love is about giving. If you like this post sign up for my newsletter by clicking on the right and receive some cool stuff and more post that you ask for. You can also bookmark this post by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the post. By the way if you are interested in weight loss I have tried and succeeded in losing 25 pounds. Just let me know.

Building Your Holiday Home in Australia

Build Your Holiday Home in Western Australia

Many people are now buying Holiday Homes or investment property abroad. Why not take a look at Western Australia; wherever you go in this country, you are never far away from miles and miles of golden sandy beaches, blue seas and beautiful weather.

In Australia, non resident can buy either newly built properties or building plots. The majority of the properties are usually in the suburbs of the cities, popular holiday resorts or large towns. If you wish to be a little more remote or individual you only have to buy a plot of land and build. This really is not a problem, plots are sold with all the services and there are plenty of builders, large or small just waiting to take you by the hand and build your dream holiday home for you.

Buying and building a property may sound daunting but it is not at all, the pain has been taken out of it; because a large proportion of Australian's who live in WA build their own homes. This is mainly because they dont want to live in the popular busy places on big housing estates or they prefer to have a house that is individual to their needs, also building land and builders are very available. WA is growing fast and there is getting to be a shortage of built properties so they buy a plot and build.

WA has grown over the last few years, as many people have moved from the high prices in the East; if you venture away from the cities you find that there are no newly built housing estates built by one builder but fields that have been sub-divided and sold off as individual plots with all the services and roads ready for you to connect too.

Finding either a single builder plus an architect to design your dream place and oversee the build or a large building company who will have a selection of plans for you to choose your holiday home from. Both will take you by the hand and build your property without problems, it is not the headache you may think it will be, as they have been building individual places for people for years and most of the problems have been ironed out.

It will take you about a year from buying the plot to completing your property and taking possession; this is certainly not as stressful as buying a shell and modernizing a property in a country were you dont even speak the language.

Cost of plots have gone up over the last few years but you can still pick up very cheap plots if you are willing to go away from the tourist areas and nowhere is far from the beach.

In many areas of Western Australia it is like walking back in time but with all the mod cons of today and everyone is so very friendly. Perth is the jewel in the crown, with the Swan River winding its way through the beautiful city. Take a bus ride up to Kings Park and see the amazing panoramic view over the city of the river and the sea beyond, it is a spectacular view not to be missed. This city has so much to offer both the young and old with its many beaches, beautiful shops and restaurants with the old Port of Freemantle to discover nearby.

Travel through WA to the far north you will come to the wild remoteness of Broom, then journey back you can visit the coral reefs of Exmouth and the Dolphins at Sharks Bay. This country is so diverse that an hours train journey from Perth inland, you will find scrub and desert, where the first prospectors found and mined gold at Kalgooli, here is one of the largest open cast mines in the world, a spectacular sight where incredibly large dumper trucks look like tiny Dinky toys. Journey South from here you come to the wheat belt and the vineyards in the South and the country town of Albany. But better still go and take the journey yourself and discover the freedom it offers.

Title. Build Your Holiday Home in Western Australia
Author. Anne Fenwick
Word Count.702
Were you will find my ebook on building properties in WA
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Communication Steps to Keep Your Personal Power

These 4 steps, if practiced to the point of being second-nature, will bring you to a whole new level of effectiveness in all your interpersonal relationships.

This article (Part 2) provides some practical application, but first, a review from Part 1 of "Personal Power: 4 Communication Steps to Get It and Keep It":

INFORM: In a neutral tone of voice, simply reflect back to the person what they are doing. "Do you realize that you are late?" "Do you realize that you are shouting?"

REQUEST: You make a simple, calm request for them to stop the behavior. "I ask that you be on time." "I request that you stop shouting."

INSIST: You insist that the person stop. (It would be unusual to get to this level. Most people respond to either step one or two.)

LEAVE: If the person still has not responded to your reasonable statements and requests, you may have to leave the room, or perhaps leave the relationship.

The really great thing about this communication model is that when you do step one Inform, you are giving the other person a graceful exit. Most people are well-meaning, and do not want to hurt or offend, and simply may not realize that1056 their behavior or statements have the effect they have. So, by you saying in a neutral Do you realize that (whatever), they have the opportunity to apologize, learn your boundary without being threatened, and move on to a healthy conversation and relationship.

I once I saw these steps executed expertly by a friend and colleague of mine at work. We had a boss who was extremely disrespectful, and out of control, and who would launch into personal attacks on a whim.

One day, my friend demonstrated all four of these steps with amazing calm. When the boss raised his voice and began to shout, she simply said

Do you realize that you are yelling?.
She repeated this a few times before moving on to step two.
I ask you to stop yelling at me.
He kept on. She responded with something like
I must insist that you stop yelling at me or I will have to leave the room.
He didnt stop, and she left. He was baffled! Did it change his behavior? Unfortunately, in this case it did not. But, my friend kept her sense of self, pride, and her power. Plus, she earned the respect of every single person who was in that meeting. I will never forget it.

How about the friend who is habitually late when you agree to meet for lunch. You can start by saying

Do you realize that you are 20 minutes late?
If they continue in this habit, say
I ask that you not be late when we are scheduled to meet.
If this is still not enough to promote a behavior change, then the next time,
I insist that you meet me on time, or I will leave the restaurant.

Next time theyre late - leave. The friend will arrive late, and be surprised that you have actually followed through, and were able to articulate each of these phases of the model with such calm, unemotional, clear, self-respecting aplomb.

Beware! Our natural tendency is to skip over steps 1 and 2 and go right for 3 and 4 and by that time, we are usually not able to keep the neutral tone of voice.

OK, time to practice.

List the people in your life who are crossing your boundaries and write down a simple sentence to inform them. For example, Julie, do you realize that you are usually several minutes late for our lunch meeting? Or Bob, do you realize that you interrupt me frequently when I am speaking?

Dont make any requests at this point. This is new territory for both you and those in your life. You have allowed them to cross your boundary for a long time, so give them a few chances to get it.

Practice, practice, practice saying them in a neutral tone. As you get comfortable with these 4 steps, you will become the queen (or king!) of good communication and boundary-setting. You'll earn the respect of others, self-respect, and healthier relationships than ever before!

Visit LifeHouse Coaching and sign up to receive more f*r*e*e* weekly tips in "Blueprints for a Dream Life." Edi Sowers works with professional women who face the challenge of balancing personal and professional priorities.

Friday, August 1, 2008

5 Lighting Tips That Will Improve Your Home

Q. How can I improve the lighting in my kitchen? I'm always preparing meals in the dark!

A. There is a general idea that a big central ceiling fixture will provide all the light needed for cooking, meals and cleaning up. A central overhead light provides good overall lighting, but is a weak light for tasking. Everyone working under that kind of light will be working in their shadow. Undercabinet lighting is a good solution for food preparation because it efficiently illuminates the counter work surface. There are many plug-in varieties of xenon and halogen units that work well for this kind of task illumination.

For island counters, where food is prepared or served, pendants hung to illuminate the entire work surface are also a good solution. Pendants are hanging lights, either on downrods (stems), cords or chain, they can be positioned singly or in groups, just above the task area and light up the surface to make the tasks at hand well lit and enjoyable. Some pendants come in brightly colored glass shades for a contemporary look, or more traditional with faux alabaster glass shades and wrought iron, pewter or bronze finishes.

Q. We have a family room that has two table lamps in the corners of the room and a central overhead fixture. This lighting is not enough for my kids doing homework at the table, or me, reading or knitting on the sofa. What can you suggest?

A. Check to see if you are using the correct wattage in your lamps and replace your lampshades if they are darkened and clouded with age ( over the years this can happen slowly, the shade emitting less light because of deterioration). Again, an overhead fixture is limited in the light it can provide for tasking.

A good alternative is track lights which will provide good downlight to specific areas in the room. Track heads with little spot or flood bulbs can beam lighting down on tasking areas. Floor lamps that have multiple "goosenecks" or adjustable lights that can be directed towards many working areas can adequately illumintate reading and other activities in a multiple areas. Wall sconces placed in work areas provide a pleasant, semi-direct light and enhance ambient lighting.

Q. I'd like to have better light around my house when I come home at night.

A. Low voltage light kits provide good light along driveways and walkways. They come with various lamps and styles with transformers to match. It's easy to install low voltage lighting--these kits usually consist of a several lights which are on spikes that can be set in the ground and linked with wire which can be placed above ground, buried several inches down in soil, covered with mulch or behind shrubbery. Low voltage (12 volts of current) is safe for children and pets-the voltage is so low it does not present a shock hazard).

The transformer, which converts the standard 120 household volts to 12 volts, is plugged into a regular house exterior or interior outlet. Higher voltage (120 volts) provides the most powerful light for your driveway, walkway and landscape lighting. There is no transformer, wires to the light sources which can be spiked or installed around walkways, driveways, etc. have to be buried at a safe depth because of safety regulations--these will be in the directions for installation.

They are excellent for illuminating a driveway or walkway, showcasing trees, the house or the landscape. Placed strategically, the effects with this 120 voltage landscape lighting are dramatic and provide all the illumination you may require.

Q. My electric bill is too high! What can I do about it!

A. Replacing all of your present incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs will definitely lower your electric bill. CFL's (compact fluorescent lights) come in many wattages and styles. The CFL technology will expand over the next year to include dim-able bulbs and smaller bulbs in three-ways for lamps. Also, consider dimmers for any room in your house. When a light is dimmed, the wattage is decreased (you save money!) and dimmers present the option of just the right light at the simple slide or dial on the wall switch.

Q. My husband and I have a bathroom with double sinks. I like a lot of light for putting on make up in the morning. My husband likes to shave in the practically in the dark.! He says bright light is only acceptable after a cup of coffee. Right now we have a standard vanity fixture with six bulbs that are too dim for me an too bright for him. What can we do?

A. A dimmer will solve the light adjust ability problem, but only if you use the bathroom at different times. If you use the double sinks at the same time, you should consider separate lighting above each sink --that would require installing separate receptacles and wiring, and then, separate dimmers. You could then have the correct wattage for your applying make-up and your husband could have his preferred lighting for shaving.

Welcome to my lighting blog

Lois DeWitt is a certified lighting specialist, a cookbook author, "Pop It In The Toaster Oven," a poet and a Standard Poodle admirer. She cooks gourmet meals for friends, walks along the shore with her dog, Charley, and tends her vegetable garden in Wilmington, NC. She also works part time in the Lighting/Electrical Department at The Home Depot.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Cool Off Your Attic with Radiant Barrier

It is starting to get cooler outside, so now is the perfect time to talk about making your attic cooler all year long. How would you like to lower your attic temperature by 20 degrees in the summertime? This could be 30 degrees in the southern U.S.

Whether youre building a new home or have an existing home, Im going to tell you the benefits of an attic radiant barrier.

Let me ask you three questions.

1. In the summer, what is the hottest part of your house?

2. Where is your ductwork located? Attic or crawlspace?

3. Why would you put it in the attic?? (For 90% of you its in the attic, right?)

When consulting on new home construction we advise people not to put the ductwork in the attic. You can lower your cooling loads by as much as 20% just by getting the ductwork out of the attic. Now I know that isnt always possible so we recommend placing the ductwork directly on the ceiling joists and covering it with cellulose insulation. This along with an attic radiant barrier makes for a pretty efficient heating and cooling system.

For existing home construction we advise using an attic radiant barrier that either staples to the bottom of rafters or covers your attic insulation like a blanket.

Using attic radiant barriers is not a new concept. It has been around since 1960. In 1999 Doug Rye decided to use TechShield radiant barrier roof decking on a model home. The builder has his doubts but Doug insisted on using TechShield. After it was installed, the builder was sold on it. It was summertime and he found that it was much cooler working inside the unfinished house once the radiant barrier was installed than it was outside.

Since then we have heard story after story of how radiant barrier lowers the temperature of a house during construction. Weve heard stories from framers where they would rather eat lunch inside the house because its cooler than outside. Even the framers working next door eat lunch with them because its cooler.

The radiant barrier roof decking product is made using a process that laminates a thin, yet durable, sheet of aluminum foil to the surface of OSB board. When the sun strikes a roof, the radiant energy from the sun heats the roof and that heat radiates into the attic.

50%-75% - Radiant Heat Loss

Radiant barrier prevents up to 97 percent of that radiant heat in the roof from radiating in to the attic. As a result, it can lower the attic temperature by 30 degrees. And in the southern U.S. where temperatures easily reach 95 degrees and above, thats a huge difference!

For years, weve been telling homeowners not to put the ductwork in the attic and thats still good advice. But if your ductwork is in the attic, I recommend installing an attic radiant barrier which is available at most home centers.

By reducing temperatures in the attic, you are taking a lot of heat off the ductwork, which means your air conditioner wont have to work as hard and youll save money on your electric bill. And, of course, you also need plenty of cellulose insulation in the attic to keep the heat from radiating into the living areas of the home. Ill cover cellulose insulation in a future issue.

The most common concern people have regarding attic radiant barrier has to do with the temperature of the shingles of the roof. They want to know if it will damage the roof shingles by allowing them to get too hot. Well, the answer is no.

Attic radiant barrier won't melt the shingles. A study in Florida measured the temperatures of roof shingles above radiant barriers and found that the peak temperatures are only 2 to 5 degrees higher than the temperature of shingles on roofs without radiant barriers.

For existing home construction a thin, light weight radiant barrier can be installed. This radiant barrier is either stapled to the underside of the rafters or is laid over the ceiling insulation. This radiant barrier is clean, easy to handle, and requires no special tools or clothing.

A radiant barrier is available at most home improvement centers for around 60 cents per square foot.

Until next month, be safe and God Bless!

Phillip Rye

Doug Rye is a nationally recognized energy consultant and licensed architect. Doug also host the "Home Remedies" radio talk show that is broadcast in 15 states.

Phillip Rye is a licensed engineer and has spent the past 15 years studying energy efficiency and energy conservation.

Discover how you can have lower utility bills guaranteed! Visit

Foundation Repair Contractors

If your house or any part of your property experiences foundation failure, it is not a job you want to correct yourself. In order to do this properly you would have to be extensively trained and have a fast knowledge on the subject. This is not your everyday fixer upper project. Chances are to get the job done right; you are going to need to hire a professional. If you are like some people, this might make you a little uneasy. After all, how many times have you heard about contractors taking advantage of their customers? Some not so ethical contractors will charge you more than the job is worth. If you are a little uneasy calling in a professional, here are some basic guidelines for what to expect from a good foundation repair contractor.

The first thing any foundation repair contractor should do is an initial investigation and then a foundation failure report to some extent. Report will explain how severe the problem is and list the proposed repairs needed. If they are going to have to pier, they much included pier spacing and foundation lines in the reports. This takes some time. It might not be a one visit evaluation. A foundation repair contractor may have to come out, do an investigation and then present you with a formal report at a later time that will detail all the work. If you find a contractor who quotes you a price right then and there, chances are they are not a good one. Also do not be surprised if you are charged a fee for the inspection and the report. Most fees range from a few hundred to almost $1000 dollars. Make sure you ask if that fee will be deducted from the final price of the job once ordered. A qualified and ethical contractor will tell you yes. If they say no...stay away from them

Once the investigation is done and a report is ready, a reliable foundation repair contractor will go through it with you and give you the quoted price. They will also explain that quote and answer any questions you may have. If you are getting quotes by a few foundation repair contractors, bear in mind that the prices should not vary much if they are all doing the same work. This is because the materials should pretty much be the same price for all foundation repairmen. One of the possible reasons for the difference of prices between contractors is the amount of experience they have. A knowledgeable, skillful and experienced contractor might cost a little more money than one who has less experience. Keep this in mind when considering the cheapest contractor. Ask questions about their experience to help ensure you are making the best decision for you, your house and your budget.

Once all the work has been done, you should be given a report that contains all the hydraulic measurements and depths regarding the piers. This report should be saved as it will come in handy if you ever decided to sell you house.

Having foundation failure fixed is a costly project, but by following these guidelines, you will be able to find a foundation repair contractor that you are confident with. Make sure they are one who take pride in their work and are not looking for the quick buck.

For the best network of Foundation Repair Specialists check out

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Installing Vinyl Flooring

Some people think it is just fine to tile over their vinyl floors, but this is not a good idea. It may save time in the beginning in the installation process, but it will cause a lot of problems later that will take up more time in the long run.

The first problem is that the new tiles will not stick well5B4 over the vinyl. Vinyl has a top layer of plastic which, since it is a slick surface, will not give the porousness necessary for the tiles to stick well, not matter what kind of glue you use. Some people think they will get around this by roughing up and sanding the surface to make it adhere better, but this will not make a big difference. Since the tiles are not going to stick to the underfloor, they will eventually lift, and you will have to replace parts or maybe even the entire floor. No time saved there.

The second problem is that you will not have a level surface. To make sure your floor is completely level is hard enough when you are working with a new sub floor, but if you have vinyl with varying heights of adhesive under it, it is next to impossible.

The third problem is the surface under the floor may not be the right kind for tiles. Vinyl can be installed over 1/4" plywood or particle board, but these are not approved surfaces for tile. If you put the tiles over the vinyl on these surfaces, you will end up with a floor that moves and can therefore crack and lift easily. If you get this kind of lift or flex, you will have to replace the floor since replacing one tile is very difficult. First of all, lifting it out without damage to the other tiles is not easy, and after your tiles have been down a while, you will not be able to match them perfectly.

If you insist on leaving the vinyl down, you have to do a co5B0mpletely different kind of preparation for the floor. You have to screw down the vinyl and cover it with a mortar base using mesh and concrete. If you don't want to deal with concrete, you will have to put a new sub floor down over the vinyl. Some new products are out now that will help avoid cracks in tiles that are laid on wooden sub floors. But all of these work seems harder than just lifting the vinyl, so why not just do that? In addition, the problems of lifting and unevenness will not only be unattractive, they may also be dangerous.

If you absolutely have to leave the vinyl down, you should have a professional tile installer look over the job. They will discuss your all of you options and help you decide. Moreover, a professional will also advise you about the best brand of the tile to buy and may be even suggest dealers from where you can get discount laminate flooring.

The collaborator Ray Walberg is very excited about themes associated to discount floors. You can find his observations on discount laminate flooring at http://www.insidewoodworking.com24C and many different sources for discount laminate flooring news.

Self Development And Growth

When starting out the the area of self development and growth, one of the most important anAA8d basic skills to learn is the skill to deal with issues in your life.

Many sources often overlook the process of how to change. The process is long and hard, and often you will lose motivation and forget your goals for self improvement. While you may yearn for instant gratification and instant change, the reality is that it just wont happen overnight. Habits take a long time to form and break; deeper psychological issues that a long time to resolve.

Often when people deal with their issues, they're dealing with it in a LOGICAL manner. This doesn't motivate you because motivation is EMOTIONAL. When you feel emotionally affected towards the issue, you will have the drive to resolve the emotions. This is the basis for my model of dealing with issues.

Without further ado, here it is: Dealing with issues, the 4 steps.

1. Figure out what the issue is.

This first point is ridiculously obvious, but incredibly important and oftentimes looked over. In many instances, we believe that we're dealing with one problem when in reality we're actually facing problems with a deeper inner issue.

For example, in the world of dating and relationships, the actual act of meeting members of the opposite sex can be quite daunting. The possibility of rejection, the fear that they will dislike you is present. No one likes to think that they are incompetent with the opposite sex, and this is the issue that may arise and challenge them if they approach and get rejected. So they sit at the back of the bar with their friends talking about how they're 'pimps' and 'could pick up anyone in this bar' but 'they don't want to' because 'no one here is worth it'.

What is happening here is an avoidance of the real issue: they depend on other's approval and reactions to feel good about themselves. An issue of low self esteem and low self confidence.

This issue would not be realised without some serious hard thinking and the ability to see things for what they really are. Your mind and ego will throw up a million different cognitions to throw you off the real issue because the truth hurts your sense of self.

This first point is ridiculously simple yet hard to realize.

2. Experience the issue.

This is different. I swear by this technique 100%.

When you figure out what the issue is, it's going to try and hide. It's going to throw up excuses as to why you have those cognitions. You're going to want to avoid the issue. Yeah that's right, you know what I'm talking about. This is the nerd realising that they suck with women but rationalising it as due to their studies or the fact that they "don't have time", then using that as a constanB07t excuse not to GO OUT and MEET women. Or the woman who has emotional issues that affect her relationships but blames her relationship problems on her looks.

By experience the issue I mean to feel it fully. You KNOW it's there, you aren't going to avoid it. You just broke up with your partner? It feels crap. Don't avoid having the feelings. You're scared of chatting up that cutie? Don't avoid the issue. Immerse yourself in the experience of feeling like that.

Only then do you have a solid base for your motivation to get the problem fixed.

3. Act on resolving the issue

After experiencing the feelings that you don't want to feel, make a decision to ACT upon the issues. After all, just pointlessly making yourself feel bad is... pointless. So what did you do? Make a commitment to take steps forward in solve the issue. If you're afraid that people will 'reject' you then approach people until you emotionally realise that 'rejection' by a stranger means nothing more than the fact that you approached them in the wrong way. If you're avoiding exercise because of an underlying issue of laziness, get out there and exercise! Do you actually WANT to be unhealthy? How does being unhealthy feel?

Experiencing the issue should give you the MOTIVATION to ACT on the issue. If you don't act, you'll just stay the same. Do you really want to feel the way you felt when you were experiencing the issue? I doubt it.

4. Figure out your other issues

In self improvement, it is critical to remember that your problems will NEVER end and you will ALWAYS have issues to deal with. Reality is harsh.

If you're serious about improving yourself, keeping this in mind will help you a lot. You will always have something to fix. Take a break once in a while, moderate how much you work on yourself, but never forget that you always have something to improve. Read "The way of the superior man" by David Deida. It gives a good description of this point.

I'd dare say your not as good with women as you wish you were, your looking for something that can take you above and beyond 99% of men for free, it's here, you just have to reach out and grab it.

Have fun,

-- Solace

Japanese Bathtubs - A Tradition For The Future

A Japanese bathtub, sometimes called an Ofuro, is usually around twice the size of a standard American style bathtub. It is deeper and often rounder, to allow the bather to sit comfortably with their knees bent. The water, which is kept at a high temperature, is up to the bather's chest. This position is said to aid relaxation and meditation, which makes for a very therapeutic bathing experience.

The Japanese bathtub is rapidly gaining popularity throughout the world. As people become more interested in personal wellbeing and healthy living through homeopathy and natural remedies, the Japanese style of bathing compliments these ideas perfectly. The hot water is said to stimulate blood circulation and have positive effects on the overall health of body and mind.

Another benefit of these unique bath tubs is that they are generally much more compact - deeper, but more upright - and therefore suitable for smaller spaces than the standard size tubs. They can also easily be adapted to become walk-in style tubs for the elderly or infirm.

The original style of Japanese bathtub was always made of wood. The natural wood was said to add to the therapeutic powers of the bath and was particularly favored in hot spring facilities and spas. Nowadays ceramics, porcelain, fiberglass and even stainless steel models are available to suit a range of pockets.

Bathtubs from Japan are traditionally for soaking rather then washing. In fact, actually washing in your tub would be seriously scorned by most Japanese people. Washing, scrubbing and hair washing will take place before entering the bath and soaking for up to one hour in hot water. The body should be clean and pure before bathing as any residual soap or grime will contaminate the waters.

In a Japanese public bathhouse - which are still very popular and well worth a visit if you ever have the opportunity - ritual and tradition can be rather tricky. Do a bit of research before you go and follow the lead of the locals. The overall experience is sure to be blissfully relaxing.

The basic things to remember are that no soap is to be used in the tubs. No outside or 'toilet shoes' (these are for use strictly in the toilet areas, and changed as soon as you depart the area) are to be worn in the bathhouse. Bare feet are not really acceptable as your feet should be clean to bathe. Nudity is expected, and since male and female segregation is the norm this is not an issue for most. Lastly, the water is very hot - enter the waters slowly and be careful.

Japanese bathtubs are noth the only accessory that can go into your bathroom. Visit us today to learn more about how to install a bath tub and why a corner bathroom vanity is something you should check out.

Asking For Help

Asking for help is not something we do naturally. We often find it painfully difficult to do because it makes us feel vulnerable, weak or ashamed; and so our fears of rejection and embarrassment get in the way.

In reality, the only real weakness is NOT asking for help. The smartest people I know understand that they do not know everything, and seek to fill those gaps in their knowledge or ability with people who do.

Life is about learning and growth and in the process, we all need help from time to time along the tricky patches. Beyond each challenge awaits an opportunity for growth; and by asking for help when we need it, we discover solutions, gain new insights, and ultimately empower ourselves.

Why It Is Smart To Ask For Help

If you reach out and ask, you will find that help does arrive and your needs are met, often exceeding your highest hopes! Just take a look at some of the reasons why it is smart to ask for help when you feel stuck:

The help you need is more likely to B68arrive if you ask for it! Keeping your problems under wraps does nothing to resolve them, so why not do something positive about it?

Asking for help lets you manage your energy more effectively. Life balance is all about managing your energy. When you ask for help with a difficulty, it frees up more energy for other areas of your life.

It opens opportunities to connect to others in new ways. Asking for help makes others aware of how they can support us and strengthens interpersonal ties.

When we ask for help, we open the door to learning. By opening up to input from others, we expand our own growth and awareness.

By breaking through fear and facing the challenge of asking, we reclaim our power! Our greatest gifts lie just beyond the things we fear the most so ask for help even when you fear the repercussions and you will reclaim your power!

How To Ask For Help

Another important aspect of finding help lies in knowing how to ask for it. Here are a few tips to keep in mind the next time you need help:

Ask for help as soon as you realize you need it. Ignored problems often escalate and become huge issues that drain energy and resources.

Recognize that everyone (including you!) deserves a helping hand, for it is in supporting one another that we all benefit and grow.

Accept that you have nothing to lose except your fear. If the person you approach can help, youll learn from the experience. If they turn you down, you can approach another.

Go to someone you trust. If they dont have the answer, theyll likely know someone who does.

Be clear on what you need. The proven words are, I need your help. Simple and to the point!

Give the person as much detail as possible. Even if you dont understand what the exact problem is, document what you know about the circumstances as well as what you need.

Get a commitment. Ask if they are able to support you and in what capacity. Getting a commitment will set your mind at ease and alleviate a lot of stress. Even if they cannot help you themselves, they may offer valuable suggestions or refer you to someone who can help. Either way, youll benefit!

When you find the solution to your problem, document it for future reference. You might run into that problem again someday when no-one is around to help, or you might pass along the information to someone else in need.

Next time you feel exhausted and overwhelmed, ask for the help you need and deserve. Ask despite your fears and with a focus on the rewards. Doing so can provide you with much more than just the help you needed.

Copyright 2006 Ada Porat

Ada Porat facilitates personal development through the integrati3D6on of body, mind and spirit. She enjoys international recognition as an inspirational speaker, teacher, author and practitioner at the leading edge of personal growth and well-being. To sign up for Ada's inspirational monthly newsletter, visit

Building With People Tip

From my earliest days in Sunday school, I have remembered the words that a wise man builds his house upon the rock and the foolish man builds upon the sand. For 50 years, I thought this probably sound advice for someone about to build a house. It never dawned on me that it might have some other application until I heard the following quote from Peter Drucker. The task of leadership is to create an alignment of strengths in ways that make weaknesses irrelevant.

That statement unlocked doors in my mind and with it came the realization that success really does come from building on strengths. All too often we focus on problems (weaknesses = sand) and struggle to overcome them when in fact, we would be much better off focusing on what is working (strengths = rock) and building on them.

Over the course of my career, I have had a variety of bosses. Most tried to fix me. I did have one boss who stood up before the whole sales organization and told them he had complete faith in me. I didnt realize it at the time, but my boss motivated me in a way that I would have walked through fire for him.

In fact, I didnt really understand what he had done and how it affected me until I became soccer coach and tried a positive approach to leadership. By praising the desired actions of players, I was encouraging the other players to perform in a similar fashion. You get what you praise and reward (a lesson some organizations including our government should learn). In reality, I was building on strengths (the rock) just as my boss had done.

What about your organization? Are you still playing in the sand or are you building on rock?

 Copyright Bob Cannon/The Cannon Advantage, 2007. All rights reserved.

Byline Bob Cannon helps visionary leaders enhance performance and profitability in their organizations. Check out other interesting articles available in the Taking Aim newsletter available at . Bob can be reached at (216) 408-9495 or mailto:

This article courtesy of . You may freely reprint this article on your website or in your newsletter provided this courtesy notice and the author name and URL remain intact.

Building Science: The Next Generation Of Home Improvement And New Construction

In a landmark survey by Cahners Residential Group in 2004, ninety-one percent of homebuyers said that energy-efficient features in a home were extremely or very important to them. The demand for old and new homes that use less energy continues to grow from a niche market into an emerging segment of the mainstream residential building and remodeling industry.

Now traditional contractors and builders can apply scientific techniques to create more energy efficient homes that provide greater comfort, durability, health and safety. Best of all, they can do it in a practical and affordable way using building performance technologies and techniques. This means looking at how all the components of the house work together including the thermal shell, heating and cooling equipment, ventilation, windows and doors, and appliances.

For those contractors who have already embraced the building science philosophy, there's always more to learn. The industry is constantly evolving with more technologies and best practices shared among building science professionals. Thanks to ACI's national and regional conferences and an expanding range of training and education initiatives, contractors and builders across the country are being trained to employ a "whole-house" systems approach to new construction and home improvement. That means more customers are getting a better overall home environment when builders and contractors incorporate comprehensive measures to address comfort, health and safety, durability, and energy efficiency.

Improving the performance of existing homes

Contractors nationwide are being trained and accredited in building performance, the systematic approach to improving the indoor environment by applying improvements to the whole house, not just a part of it. These contractors use performance diagnostics to evaluate the condition of a home and verify the impact of improvements. Blower door tests for building shell leakage, combustion safety tests, duct leakage diagnostics, and infrared thermal imaging are examples of diagnostic tests provided by building performance contractors to help ensure the health, safety, comfort, and durability of a home before and after improvements. Once the initial assessment is complete, the contractor will recommend how to remedy any problems they found, and can complete the recommended work for the homeowner. The end result for customers is lower energy bills and improved comfort and safety.

Building performance techniques benefit contractors as well by differentiating themselves in the marketplace. Contractors who use these comprehensive testing and installation techniques to treat the house as a system can distinguish their businesses from traditional contractors by providing their customers better, more informed solutions to common house problems, including high energy costs, uneven temperatures from room to room, moisture and air quality issues, as well as maintenance and durability. Some contractors may have access to energy efficiency programs, including Home Performance with ENERGY STAR and ENERGY STAR Qualified New Homes sponsored by local utilities and state agencies that offer technical training, certification assistance, marketing support and even financial incentives including low-interest financing, cash back, and tax credits for customers investing in recommended, eligible energy efficiency improvements.

Exceeding minimum building standards

For new construction, builders can achieve substantial energy savings through Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) and ENERGY STAR Qualified Home standards.

The LEED Green Building Rating System is a voluntary, consensus-based national standard for developing high-performance, sustainable buildings. LEED provides a complete framework for assessing building performance and meeting sustainability goals. Based on well-founded scientific standards, LEED emphasizes state of the art strategies for sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. LEED recognizes achievements and promotes expertise in green building through a comprehensive system offering project certification, professional accreditation, training and practical resources.

Newly built homes that earn the ENERGY STAR must meet guidelines for energy efficiency set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ENERGY STAR Qualified New Homes are at least 15 percent more energy efficient than homes built to the 2006 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). ENERGY STAR qualified homes can include a variety of energy-efficient features, such as effective insulation, high performance windows and doors, well-sealed and insulated duct systems, efficient heating and cooling equipment, and ENERGY STAR qualified lighting and appliances. These features contribute to improved home quality and homeowner comfort, and to lower energy demand and reduced air pollution.

In addition to offering a high quality product to consumers, builders of energy efficient homes are eligible for a $2,000 federal tax credit under the Energy Policy Act of 2005. A new energy efficient home must achieve 50 percent energy savings for heating and cooling over the 2004 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). At least one-fifth of the energy savings must come from building envelope improvements.

A bright future

As the demand for high quality, efficient homes gains momentum, more contractors and builders will look to building performance to add value to conventional homes, setting a new standard in the residential new construction and home improvement industries and empowering their customers to make better choices for themselves, the economy and the environment.

Visit or call 1-800-344-4866 x 26 to register for an upcoming webcast series or conference:

"Duct Camp" Webcast - September 12-December 19, 2006

ACI New England - Westford, MA - October 4-5, 2006

New Jersey Home Performance Conference - Atlantic City, NJ - January 24-25, 2007

ACI Northwest - Portland, OR - February 21-22, 2007

ACI Home Performance Conference 2007 - Cleveland, OH - April 23-27, 2007

ACI, a nonprofit organization supported by utility companies, state agencies and building science leaders and trade organizations, has 20 years experience elevating the building science industry, to affect change and building practices to address and improve performance issues of comfort, efficiency, and affordability in new and existing housing.

Helen Perrine is the executive director of ACI, Inc. and has worked in the field of energy and environmental education since 1978.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Should You Build A Conservatory Sunroom

It is impossible to enjoy your new addition in the winter, which is the most common complaints about a conservatory sunroom, not any more. New technological advanceB68s along with the millions spent by manufacturers will eliminate that complaint finally. With these new advances not only, will a conservatory make an elegant addition to your home? It will be one that you can use all year round. When you start viewing possible conservatory sunroom to purchase, keep in mind the design of your existing home, that may limit some of the options you may be wanting when you purchase your new sunroom.

Another frequent complaint about these types of conservatories is the glass ceilings, as well as the glass walls. which in turn brings us back to the original most commonly heard complaint, it is just too cold in the winter. A general rule of thumb is that most conservatory sunrooms are sold as a 3-season sunroom; this type of sunroom is only used during the warmer months. If you are like many others and want to use your conservatory year round, make sure you purchase one that is specifically designed for all season use.

The Possibilities are endless when you chose to add a conservatory sunroom or patio room to your existing home. There are also several reasons for this as well, adding a sunroom or patio room adds elegance to your home, it also add an enjoyment for all the seasons, winter, summer, spring, and fall, the biggest thing is that it is an investment into your home, adding value into your home should you decide to sell in the future, which could in turn help you sell your home it allows the potential buyer to see the elegance and relaxation factor you have added to your home and may help persuade their decision to make an offer on your home. That is why it is essential to do your research before you purchase your new sunroom, below you will find information on the all season conservatory just as mentioned above.

The all season Conservatory

Only the latest materials will be used in building this type of conservatory sunroom, enabling you to enjoy this new room all year round, no matter the season. Then comes the next question that is commonly asked, How will I afford to heat this room in the winter months without having a huge energy bill? Insulation is the key, local building codes in your area will tell you what the minimum requirement is, but if you want a comfortable room all year long, a good suggestion is to exceed that requirement. When insulating make sure you insulate the floor, the walls, the frame work, and the ceiling, pack these areas with insulation above the standard minimums to ensure proper heat storage during those winter months, this will help reduce some of your energy costs as well, another way to reduce on out-of-pocket energy costs are windows. Window selection is very important in your new conservatory sunroom, the concept of a window is easy enough, they allow sunlight to enter and protect you against the harmful UV rays that the sun generates, and they provide insulation5B2 for your home as well.

You need to look for the window frame and glass together, and good quality ones at that. You do not want a leaky window especially around the frame, because you do not want to feel a draft, or hear noises from a poorly crafted window and its frame, you would like to keep those elements out of your new conservatory sunroom. Another question that arises, What about security, all my walls are made of glass? This will depend on you and the quality of window and the design you chose, of course, a higher quality window and a higher quality design will provide you with better security to protect you and your conservatory. As with any project, you need to do your homework, chose the design, and style that fits you and your home.

The Possibilities are endless when adding a sunroom or patio room to your existing home. There are also several reasons for this. Adding a sunroom or patio room adds elegance to your home. It also add an enjoyment for all the seasons, winter, summer, spring, and fall. The biggest thing is that it is an investment into your home. Adding value into your home should you decide to sell in the future, which could in turn help you sell your home allows the potential buyer to see the elegance and relaxation factor you have added to your home and may help persuade their decision to make an offer on your home.3BA

You can also find more info on seasons sunroom and decorating sunroom. is a comprehensive resource to improve your home environment.