Thursday, July 30, 2009

Make Money Fast and Easy

This is where the rubber meets the road. Traction is something we all lack when we are doing our research and ultimate field tests in the quest for our first million. More traction would be great whatever step in the ladder you are at.

We generally focus on helping fledgling millionaires in our work because it is the most rewarding and gives us the greatest bang for our buck. To see an individual go from clueless to savvy in a fortnight is a gratifying experience. When its our resources that helped that transformation, then its very satisfying indeed. So thats the area we focus on here. This is for people who need direction but have small resource capital to manufacture acceptable results.

So lets give you a little traction before you seize your jets.The following 5 strategies will give you the moves to take you to the first level. -A guy/gal with a proven idea that can be replicated-(An enviable position to be in)

1) Lets get this straight. Million dollar bank balances are numerical in nature. By that I mean a million bucks is not made up of 1 large million dollar bill. Its made up of exactly one million single's. Or to go to the lowest common denominator, its actually numerically made up of One thousand, million (or 1 billion) cents.

Make money fast and easy by thinking of money as numerical and therefore exponential. A dollar that you hold in your hand is the same as $1 million dollars. No difference at all. Its a seed that grows into a tree, then that tree spurrs more seeds. (I apologize for the metaphor, but how else can we put this so you understand the nature of the reality as it is)

2) When you approach your 1 million dollar goal, you are biting off much much more then you can chew thinking about that million.

To make money fast and easy always think small. Refine, refine, refine. Then duplicate, duplicate, duplicate. Are you with me? Is this making sense? Make a simple little mouse trap, then make lots of mouse traps exactly the same way.

3) Find demand and supply into that demand.

To make money fast and easy, even before you think about "what" you will do, you are going to research demand. You will become an expert at sniffing out needs. This skill is a millionaires bow and arrow. Let me tell you, most millionaires couldn't hit the side of a barn much less the bulls eye. But they DO know this. So their aim is not important. What is important is that the target is nice and gigantic. How can they miss?

Trust me, its what millionaires do, its how millionaires think. Always supply into Fat juicy demand where the picking is easy. Do you want medals of bravery or a million bucks asap?

4) Have a structure you never deviate from.

They always failed to plan when they planned to fail. Once your research is done never deviate from it. Give it a good run but if it doesn't work out for you then move on without shedding a single tear. Chance and "chaos theory" are fascinating things. Probability is what millionaires deal with. They never delude themselves into believing in absolutes.

To make money fast and easy, you will not work backwards or second guess yourself. Plant yourself firmly in the middle of the road on the high side and go forward. Don't make it up as you go. Stick to what your demand planning told you to do. Many give up after 1 failure, but probability is a funny thing. We think we can control it, but even when all your ducks are lined up in a row, it may not work. But give it a chance and let it prove itself and you may find over a number of attempts you will get the results you expected.

5) Diversify AND Go deep.

They call out diversify when it comes to investing. Fair enough. Things change and relying on just one source for your income stream is dangerous. And it is. But there are two sides to every coin.

The pareto principle states that reality and probability are stacked unevenly. We as rational human beings think of everything as equal and even. However scientific evidence and business experience tells a different story. The pareto principle is also known as the 80/20 rule. It states that 80% of your results comes from 20% of your activities. Is this significant if true? You bet. It means that of every effort you make, of all the many things you do to manufacture your results, only 20% actually is responsible for a large proportion (in fact 80%) of them.

So what does this mean in English? It means you can easily quadruple your results by finding out what that special 20% activity is and stop doing everything else. By focusing on just that 20% activity you will not only increase results, but you will create a new pareto principle refined of the old one at a higher level. In this way you move forward and evolve your activities to higher and higher levels.

To your health and rapid success.

If you need money now, like I mean in the next 10 minutes, try what I did. I now am making more money than in my old business and you can too. If you want to learn how to invest a few hundred dollars in the next 10 minutes and double it before you go to bed tonight, click now to read a "Rags to riches" story that is remarkable - Free!

Imagine doubling your money every week with no or little risk! To discover a verified list of Million Dollar Corporations offering you their products at 75% commission to you. Click the link below to learn HOW you will begin compounding your capital towards your first Million Dollars at the Easy Corporate Money Program

To your Health and Rapid Success!

Stair Handrailing Or Guard Rail

Before the 1980s most stairways had a handrail and to this day, most stair handrails are not considered guard rails. Well things have changed and now most stairways require a guard rail and it gripable handrail.

What's the difference between a stair handrailing and a stair guard rail, quite frankly about 6 inches. Your stair guard rails have a minimum requirement of 42 inches where stair handrails built before the 1980s had a handrailing for protection with a minimum requirement of 36 inches.

This does not mean that older stair handrails that are 36 inches tall will need to be removed and replaced, because the new building codes have changed. If you were to rebuild the stair handrail or do any work on the stairway that required a building permit, they could have you change your stair handrailing to meet current building codes.

I was helping another guy frame a new house in 2005 and while I was on the job I would mention to the owner, certain concerns of mine with other parts of the job. After a while he realized, that I knew what I'll was talking about and started to pay attention when ever I mentioned anything related to home building.

He asked me if I would be interested in building the stair handrailing system and at the time I was too busy. I reminded him of the minimum requirements for the stair guard rail, it was no longer referred to as a stair handrail and would need to be at least 42 inches in height and include a gripable handrail.

Well as you guessed it, the next time I walked into the home, I noticed a 36 inch high stair handrail. I reminded him and he wasn't too concerned, because he hired someone that knew all about building stair handrails.

The building inspector made him remove and replace the stair handrail, before he would approve the home for final inspection. Don't make the same mistakes, learn a little more about stair handrail safety and don't become another statistic in the home building industry.

Always check with your local building department, whether you're reading articles like this or asking questions to experienced contractors. Everybody makes mistakes and sometimes their information is out of date, according to new home building practices or building codes.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors

If you're interested in building stairs, whether you're a professional or a do it yourself homeowner, you should make your stair building and other construction projects as simple as possible. Check out the latest stair building tools, some of these tools can make even the average homeowner look like a building professional

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Types of Vegetarians

Omnivores or those just starting out in this life style get confused about the different types of vegetarians. We are categorized and labeled by our food choices. Sometimes our choices are grouped under the title "veg*n" which is a shorter way to type "vegetarian and/or vegan". That seems to throw people off too. It's just a short cut, nothing censored. To help clear things up, I'll give you the run down from "light" to "hard core" types of vegetarians out there.

Flexitarian ~ This group are people that choose to eat vegetarian most of the time but still have no issues eating meat when options are limited. I find that most of this group do it for health or monetary reasons rather then ethical. Or they are easing their way into the vegetarian life style.

Pescetarians ~ A pescetarian eats fish and other sea food, but no other meat product. Again, usually motivated by health reasons rather then ethical. These also usually fit into the next group...

Lacto-Ovo vegetarians ~ Vegetarians that consume diary products (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc) and eggs. This is the most common vegetarian group and what most people consider when they encounter a vegetarian. On the same note there are just lacto vegetarians or ovo vegetarians. Usually ovo vegetarians are lactose intolerant.

There is debate on whether one can eat eggs and still be considered a true vegetarian. It really depends on how you think of it. Some consider eggs a diary type product, other's consider it meat. In a sense, when you eat an egg you are eating a chicken's ovulation.

Small science lesson: Like a human woman, a hen will ovulate. Unlike the human woman, that egg will not be absorbed by her body when not fertilized. An egg will be laid whether it's fertilized or not. So while the egg is technically a meat product, an unfertilized egg (like the ones in your grocery store) would not be capable of life even if they were left alone. It is a mass of useless tissue. It's that reason that many vegetarians will still eat eggs.

Vegan ~ Vegans will not consume any animal product, whether is it a part of the animal itself or something it produced. No meat, diary, eggs, honey. If it came from an animal or it is made with something that came from an animal. it is a no go.

There are also vegans that take it further and refuse to own, use or wear animal products, like leather, fur, snake skin or feathers and as well as anything that uses animal products, for example milk or honey in facial masks and other beauty products. Some even refuse to spend money where animals are used as entertainment, like zoos and the circus.

Raw vegans ~ The hard core group. They are similar to plain vegans but their diet consists of unprocessed vegan foods that have not been heated above 115 F (46 C). They believe that foods cooked above this temperature have lost a significant amount of their nutritional value and are harmful to the body.

Tammi Cornett is a self proclaimed domestic eco-goddess. She is dangerously optimistic and loves her life with her wonderful husband and three young boys. Wisdom of a Goddess

Dr Seuss

Installing Granite Steps

Granite steps can really dress up the front of a home. Their natural look along with their ruggedness and low maintenance makes them an excellent alternative to other doorstep choices.

A few years back I decided to replace the prefab concrete staircase that graced my home's entrance way with granite steps.

Installing granite steps is not a home improvement project that do-it-yourself homeowners can normally do themselves. This said, there are some aspects of the project you can do yourself.

To begin the process of installing granite steps, start by finding a granite stone supplier that can come to your home and assess your project. They will listen to your ideas, make some measurements, and determine the number of steps you will need for the project. They will also state, as they did in my case, that the pre-fabricated concrete steps will need to be removed and that a solid footing/foundation slab will need to be constructed to lay the granite steps on.

Removing the Prefabricated Concrete Steps

After meeting with the granite stone supplier, I went to task on removing the prefabricated concrete steps. With a pair of safety glasses, work gloves and a sledge hammer I began the process of breaking up the prefabricated concrete steps. After a couple of hours of work I reduced the steps to small fist size stones. I removed the material from the site; however I kept them relatively close at hand for the next stage of the project, building the concrete footing/foundation slab.

Building the Concrete Footing/Foundation Slab

During the process of demolishing the prefabricated concrete steps, I observed that they had rested on a few concrete bricks, which laid flat on the fill material around the foundation.

Using a shovel and pick ax, I removed about 1.5 feet of fill material from around the foundation entrance way and replaced it with some of the broken up concrete prefabricated stones. While adding the stones, I also mixed in some of the original fill material.

Next, I drilled several 2 inch deep holes into the side of the concrete home foundation wall and slid rebar rods into them. The rebar rods, laid flat on top of the stone/file material.

I then attached several rebar rods perpendicular the other rebar rods I just installed into the concrete and tied them together with stainless steel wire.

With the fill and rebar in place, I built a wooden frame using 2"x8"s that sat on top of the fill/stone base. The frame was open along the back wall (next to the foundation).

I hammered in wooden stakes into the ground on the outside of the frame and attached them to the frame using screws. While screwing them in I made sure the frame was level, by running a 2"x4" on top of the frame, with a level placed on top of it. I checked the back side, the front side, and from corner to corner.

I then placed into the frame additional stones from the demolition of the prefabricated concrete stone steps and back filled along the outside of the frame with fill.

Pouring the Concrete Slab

Though you can buy bags of Portland cement and mix up your own concrete, I found it better to order concrete from a local concrete mixing company. It's a heck of a lot less effort and the cost for a yard of concrete is relatively inexpensive compared to buying small 80 pound bags of Portland cement and mixing them up by hand.

After the concrete was poured I used a 2x4 as a strike board to level off (screeding) the concrete. Basically this process involves laying the 2x4 on end across the concrete frame and working from back to front moving the board in a sawing motion side to side. This process floats the concrete and creates a smooth finished surface.

I then let the slab set up for a couple of days before removing the frame and backfilling with soil. After the slab had set up for about a week it was ready for the granite steps.

Installing the Granite Steps

This was the easy part (at least from the homeowners perspective), as it involved only watching the granite stone supplier lifting and installing the granite steps in place. In our case they actually had a crane on the truck that lifted the stones and moved them into place.

Installing Railings

If railings are required, you can pre-drill holes into the granite steps and install railings if required or desired.

Installing granite steps involves some significant upfront work; however the finished look is well worth the investment. Surprisingly, the cost of installing granite steps is cheaper than one may originally think, so before you decide to forgo the idea of granite steps contact a granite supplier and get a quote. Also, if you are not up to the site preparation the granite supplier may be able to do the work or at least offer you contractor names that can do the work for you.

About the Author: Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more information about Home Improvement and Home Additions, and Home Remodeling and Repair visit and

Ice Dam Problems And Solutions

Monday, July 27, 2009

House Feng Shui - Feng Shui Rules For a Paradise House

In life, it is important to have a clear path to your front house as highlighted in Feng Shui rules. What this means is that your walkway should be clean, your flowers well kept, your bushes trimmed, your lawn mowed, your doorbell functional and your front door in good condition. Also, at night, make sure the pathway is lit so when you have guests the way into your home is clear. Making sure of this will allow positive chi flow into your home, that is to say you will be allowing good energy into your home.

In house Feng Shui, the better the energy you let into your home, the easier it will be to create wealth, more money, better physical and mental health, better relationships, more opportunities with others and for yourself, and a happier mood in life.

In your house Feng Shui, you should be free of clutter. If you have clutter and are disorganized, clean it up.

You will feel so good as you are ridding yourself of old stuff or just organizing your clutter. It is actually a great experience you could look forward to. Ya right, you're thinking. Well, it's true! You get to go through all your stuff and feel the energy it holds (certain memories that are attached to it) and you can decide if you want those memories in your home attached to an actual physical object (like a book or a lamp), or if you think it won't serve you in your home and you'd rather keep the memory in your heart then toss it out or recycle it! It is fun because you can organize the stuff you are keeping (and create space for new stuff). Ahh can't you just feel that breath of fresh air?

Then you will know where everything is in your home and you will feel more at ease and comfortable. Subconsciously, your mind will be clearer because your environment is in order.

If you ever need more Feng Shui Rules for your House Feng Shui, Come to this Lens

Clearing the clutter in your home is important for many reasons. Some people don't know how to take that initiative. This can help those people: Home Paradise Feng Shui turn your house into the paradise it should be!

Stopped Losing Your Car Keys

How to Finish Your Basement and Basement Remodeling

Finishing your basement can almost double the square foot living space of your home. A finished basement can include new living space such as a recreation room, a game room, a bar and even bedrooms and bathrooms.

Finishing a basement or remodeling a basement is also a relatively inexpensive remodeling job as frequently outside construction is not required. And since it is not a critical living area it can be completed at a leisurely pace. Consequently finishing a basement is a project that do it yourself homeowners can tackle.

Prior to the start of finishing a basement, a do it yourself homeowner should first develop a well thought out finished basement construction plan. To help in formulating a basement construction plan a homeowner should carefully evaluate the condition of their home's existing basement and what type of living space they want to achieve in the finished basement. Frequently when finishing a basement, the mechanical equipment such as water heaters, furnaces, and water and oil storage tanks will need to be moved. With careful planning some of this movement can be minimized.

When finishing a basement a homeowner should also consider any water or moisture problems that do exist or could exist in the basement. Perimeter drains may be required. In addition the exterior and interior concrete walls of the basement may need to be sealed.

If a bathroom or wet bar is to be installed, then plumbing will need to be carefully considered, particularly if the home is on a private septic system. A pump up waste water system may be required and if so a portion of the existing concrete floor may need to be removed to allow room for the drain lines and pump-up system.

Lighting is another important aspect of finishing a basement. If natural light can be installed, via the installation of windows, then I highly recommend it. Besides letting light in, windows also add character to the finished basement. In addition, ceiling lights should also be included in the finished basement plans, and the more the better. Finally, workspace lighting should be added where necessary and each set of workspace lighting should be controlled separately.

Ceiling height is another major concern when finishing basements. Frequently homeowners elect to go with dropped ceilings; however dropped ceilings can significantly reduce ceiling height if not carefully planned. A drywalled ceiling can preserve more ceiling height and give a better finished look to the basement, however careful planning needs to be made for access points to valves and to kitchen and bathroom plumbing traps.

Frequently finished basements include home theater systems. Particular attention should be given to electrical wiring for basement home theater systems. Besides electrical wiring, there is speaker wire, cable wire, and Cat-5 wiring that is typically required for a quality home theater system.

With a well thought out basement remodeling plan a finished basement can be major plus to your home, both in personal utilization and resale value. Addressing up front key items such as basement water and moisture issues, as well as lighting and ceiling heights concerns, can help to ensure you get the finished basement you have been dreaming about.

For more help on finishing your basement, see HomeAdditionPlus.coms Basement Remodeling Bid sheet. The Basement Remodeling Bid Sheet will help ensure that your bathroom remodeling project goes smoothly and you get the finished basement you are looking for. In addition it will help to ensure that finishing your basement will be accomplished on time and on budget.

Over the past 20+ years Mark Donovan has been involved with building homes and additions to homes. His projects have included: building a vacation home, building additions and garages on to existing homes, and finishing unfinished homes. For more home improvement information visit and

What Kind Of Wood Rot

Do it Yourself Plumbing Repair - Just Where to Find Help

You may run as much as you like, but it's hard to avoid the gush of plumbing problems from flooding your life with sorrow and despair. So is doing your plumbing yourself your only glimmer of hope amid this impending doom? Well, guess what? It sure is your only succor when all your entreaties go unanswered.

And the best part is that these practical plumbing tips not only help you lift the specters of these niggling problems, but also ensure that you are dripping with advice after the insightful experience.

Plumbing With Panache

A nuanced understanding of clearing chocked pipes and changing tap washers is sure to hold you in good stead. Timely repairs ensure that you prevent a colossal drain on not only your precious resources, but also on your bank balance. Now that is sure to gladden many hearts. But at the end of it all, there's nothing like the sense of achievement that inundates your after a job well done.

No More Unintelligible Jargons

The slew of guides and manuals that deal with every conceivable plumbing problem in and around your house are like a Godsend for harried homeowners. The simple, step-by-step instructions, along with detailed illustrations, guide you through these mundane yet monstrous problems.

Crafted in language that is easy to assimilate, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the lack of unintelligible cryptic terminology that one normally associates with these 'user-friendly' guides.

In-depth yet incisive, these guides don't leave anything to imagination. Whether tips on understanding your home's plumbing system or the local plumbing codes, list of tools and safety equipment required before undertaking any project or even preparing for all kinds of repairs, you are hard-wired for success.

So who's kvetching about faucet repairs, leaky tanks and frozen pipes? Plumbing professionals are crying foul.

Learn exactly how to generate 100's or even 1000's of positively *BRILLIANT* Bathroom Remodeling Ideas ... FAST ! And here are 25 Dirt Cheap Home Improvement Ideas that could increase the value of your home by several $1000's...

Floor Repairs

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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Christians Who Believe Everthing That They Hear And Read

Benjamin Franklin

Electric Fireplace

Majority of the houses being built since the early 1900's have fireplaces that are used to heat up the rooms in the house. The location of the fireplace is highly dependable on which part of the house they like holding conversation. Technology has phased out traditional fireplace in almost all houses in the cities. Instead, it has introduced the electric fireplace.

The main reason why people like it so much is because the hassle of wood, ashes, smoke and clearing up are non existent. Despite the fact that the fire produced cannot be used for cooking, it provides a fire that has the ability to keep people warm. Its popularity has increased due affordability, safety, convenience and the fact that it can fit anywhere in the house and making it available to anyone who would like to have it.

With the ability to be able the electric fireplace almost anywhere, does not require any special preparations like a chimney, fuel pipeline or a venting system either are also added advantages. This means that it can fit either in the bedroom, sun porch, foyer and kitchen. It also is a cost saving factor which means it is affordable for most people.

The materials used to make the electric fireplace are marble, brick and any other material of choice an individual may have. You can have it blend in with the theme of your house. Installation is very simple because people are able to do it for themselves, offers realistic simulations and all these makes it very user friendly.

Peter Gitundu Researches And Reports On Fireplaces. For More Information on Electric Fireplace, Visit His Site at ELECTRIC FIREPLACE. You Can Also Post Your Views About Electric Fireplace On My Blog Here ELECTRIC FIREPLACE

Light Falling Off Wall

New Trick For Christians Who Believe Without Any Doubt

Edward E Leslie
Clemens Forell

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Natural Stone Bathroom Tiles

Bathroom tiles come in many different styles and varieties. Widely considered the most attractive of all these are Natural Stone Tiles. However as with most things, if you want the best you must be prepared to pay for the best. Natural stone bathroom tiles do not come cheap.

Natural stone bathroom tiles can be broken down into 3 categories based on the type of rock they come from; Igneous, Sedimentary and Metamorphic.

Granite (its name coming from the Latin for "grain" due to its texture) and Basalt are both types of Igneous rock used to make tiles. Igneous rock is created by the cooling of magma (molten rock). As the magma cools into rock, it crystallises giving it its granular appearance.

Granite comes mainly from India, although Brazil, and, closer to home (unless you live closer to Brazil or India), Scotland has large occurrences of Granite.

Not just a product of planet Earth, Basalt is known to have formed on the Moon, Venus and Mars. When we discover Martian habitats I'm 99% sure they we will find that they have tiled their bathrooms with Basalt! (My 1% of doubt leans towards them having ceramic bathroom tiles.)

Formed at the surface of the earth and at the bottom water bodies, Sedimentary rock consists of Limestone among others. It is created in 2 ways; the first is created by the compacting, over millions of years, of mineral and organic material. This could be stones, dust, dead animals and plants, bits of rock weathered away, anything really. Over time, as more and more sediment gets deposited to the top of the stack, the pressure at the bottom increases. As the pressure increases, the water in the stack is squeezed out leaving behind its dissolved minerals. These dissolved minerals act as a glue to bind the sediments.

The second means by which sedimentary rock is created is crystallisation from dissolved minerals. This occurs in shallow water bodies (the sea or lake) when water evaporation is greater than precipitation. As the water in the water body evaporates, it leaves behind its dissolved minerals and these settle at the bottom of the water body to form sedimentary rocks.

Limestone is proving a very popular tile among the contemporary crowd due to its light and neutral tones. Limestone can be coloured anywhere from cream to gold!

Metamorphic rock includes Marble, Coal, Quartz and Slate. Simply put, 'metamorphic' means to change form. Metamorphic rocks are Igneous or sedimentary rock which have changed form, this usually occurs by the extreme heats and pressure deep in the earth's crust.

Marble has long been associated with luxury and affluence. It is a very hard stone and because of this it is possible to achieve a high polish. It is also suitable for and is used frequently in hospitals where sanitation is of paramount importance.

As noted at the start of this article, natural stone tiles can be expensive. You can realistically expect to pay a number of times more than an equivalent ceramic or porcelain tile but if you have the budget for it, it is certainly an attractive option.

Something else which needs to be considered is weight. Natural stone bathroom tiles are a lot heavier than their Ceramic or Porcelain counterparts so you want to check that your floor or wall can take the load. In general your Subfloor should be at least 1 1/8" thick. It may be worth asking an expert for advice on this as there are no hard and fast rules.

See a large selection of Bathroom Tiles

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Friday, July 24, 2009

Booking Phuket Hotels For a Vacation

Phuket is consistently one of the most visited parts of Thailand. Some people go to Phuket because of its fantastic beaches, while others enjoy the lively nightlife scene. Whether you are looking for a quiet, romantic getaway or something with a bit more bite, Phuket is a worthy destination. As a result of Phuket's popularity, you have a diverse range of Phuket hotels and resorts to choose from.

There is a Phuket hotel for everyone. The first thing you will need to think about is your budget. Are you looking to splash out on a luxurious pad for a week or will you be backpacking on a shoestring budget? Phuket is a large island and all budgets are catered to, from 500-baht guesthouses to $5,000 luxury villas.

Once you a fair idea of your budget, it's time to choose the location of your Phuket hotel. The location you choose will go a long way to determining what impression of Phuket you leave the island with. It all comes down to preference. Some parts of the island are geared towards partying, while others are geared towards lazing around in peace.

If you're traveling with friends or you want to sample the bars and clubs of the island, the best place to book your Phuket hotel is in Patong. Patong is a simple beach destination that has been developed into a kind of tourist Mecca. It's the most popular place for travelers to stay in Phuket.

In Patong, there are rows of market stalls, lines of beer bars and a large number of clubs and discos. The beach in Patong is reasonable, although nothing to write home about. Families and some other travelers may find Phuket a little much to deal with as there are throngs of travelers all over the place, even during low season.

Phuket Town is a popular spot for backpackers looking for Phuket hotels. There are some cheap places to stay dotted around the area, while close by there are some chilled-out bars and a few points of cultural interest.

The most scenic places to book Phuket hotels are in areas such as Mai Khao or Nai Yang, where you won't be confronted with a barrage of tourists from one day to the next. The hotels and resorts in these areas are pricey, but they are worth a little splurge now and then.

There are a variety of online booking agents ready to help you book the right Phuket hotel to meet your requirements. Do a bit of research and compare the prices, and don't forget to read those customer reviews before you book.

Find out more about Phuket hotels and Phuket holidays at these links.

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Budget Priced Hotels in Ocean City, Maryland

Ocean City is one of the most visited places in Maryland, USA. The city takes pride in their wonderful beaches, good ocean views and other attractions. The place is for the whole family. Even children will love the outdoors. They will hardly notice the time pass as they walk along the streets of this beautiful city.

In every vacation, there is always the accommodation to think of. Most people are on a tight budget, especially those with children tagged along. Good thing in Ocean City, there are a lot of hotels that can meet your needs and preferences at very affordable rates.

Three-star hotels in Maryland are generally mid-ranged in prices. These Star hotels have larger rooms compared to two-star hotels.

One three-star hotel is the Rodeway Inn Oceanfront. It offers economy beachfront accommodations. It is about 30 miles from the Wicomico Country Airport and approximately one block from the Ocean City boardwalk. Its property amenities include free morning pastries and coffee, free parking, an indoor and outdoor pool, an ice machine, beach access, interior corridors and a safety deposit box.

They have standard rooms with amenities including cable television, iron boards, iron, air-conditioning, a telephone and a mini-refrigerator.

Next is theSea Bay Hotel. It is in the thick of midtown Ocean City and about one block from the beach. The Baltimore International Airport is about 150miles away from the hotel. Some of its amenities are a meeting room, game room, outdoor pool, wireless high-speed internet access, laundry facilities, safety deposit box and free parking. It also offers oversized rooms that are fully equipped with refrigerator, microwaves, coffeemaker, wet bars sink, hairdryer, irons and ironing boards and private balconies. Children under 17 years old are free if accompanied by an adult. Otherwise, regular rates apply. It is a non-smoking hotel.

There is also the Quality Inn and Suites Beachfront. It is miles away from sandy beaches and 20 miles away from Salisbury-Ocean-City-Wicomico Regional Airport. It is only a short walking distance to the Jolly Rogers Amusement Park. It is also approximately five blocks to the Ocean City Convention Center and five blocks to the boardwalk.

The hotel features a sauna, spa, as well as outdoor and indoor seasonal pools. There is also an onsite restaurant that offers breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can also take advantage of their guest laundry facility, gift shop, exercise room and game room, along with their banquet room, handicap room, coffee shop, and newsstand.

They have oversized suites and rooms, featuring a balcony in every room, kitchenettes, VCRs and air conditioning. There is also free high-speed internet access, whirlpool baths, cable satellite television, hair dryers and free local phone calls.

You can also choose to stay in The Comfort Inn Boardwalk. It is a big hotel with 84 guest rooms in all. Aside from being beautifully decorated, all units are equipped with refrigerators, microwaves, air conditioning, cable television and king sized bed. It also has an indoor and outdoor pool. The hotel also offers free deluxe continental breakfast, delivered right to your room.

As another option, there is the Fenwick Inn, an ocean city landmark conveniently situated one block from the beach. It has 201 oversized guest rooms, fully equipped with a microwave, refrigerator, and 27 inch colored television. Rooms also have either one king or two king double beds and a private bath.

For more information on Cheap Hotel Ocean City, Maryland and Ocean City Flights please visit our website.

Small Crack In Floor Slab

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What About The End The End Of The World

Joan Wester Anderson
Doreen Virtue

Luxury Hotels in Edinburgh

Edinburgh has been the capitol city of Scotland since 1437 and it has developed over the years into one of Europe's most popular and most attractive places. The city has a rich history and many historic building remain in the Old Town area of Edinburgh which is now a UNESCO world heritage site as is the New Town area.

The city comes to life in the summer with both the International Fringe Festival and Military Tattoo running at the end of August. During this time the city is filled with music, entertainment and people from all over the world. It is probably the best time to visit Edinburgh but is also the busiest so getting accommodation early is a good idea.

As for accommodation in Edinburgh, there are a wide selection of guest houses, hostels and hotels throughout the city. But there is a larger selection of five star luxury hotels in Edinburgh than any other city. Most of these are in the city centre, around the Princes Street area and they offer you the chance to indulge yourself in luxury accommodation.

Below are five of the most popular luxury hotels in Edinburgh.

The Balmoral Hotel

Probably the most famous of all the luxury hotels in Edinburgh it has a prime location on Princes Street and even the building is spectacular. Inside you will find a Michelin Star restaurant and fantastic facilities such as a luxury spa which offers therapeutic treatments to relive any stress. (Rooms from 125 per night)

The Scotsman Hotel

This award winning hotel is known to be one of the top luxury hotels in the UK and it has a great location only a few minutes from both the Royal Mile and Princes Street. There are a great range of guestrooms available from a luxury standard room to the Penthouse suite. Many of the rooms have fantastic panoramic view of the city and some of the top landmarks including Edinburgh castle and Arthurs Seat. (Rooms from 114 per night)

Caledonian Hilton

The Caledonian is one of three Hilton Hotels in Edinburgh and it is probably the most luxurious. Walk outside the hotel and immediately you are in the heart of Edinburgh and its many restaurants, shops and attractions. Enjoy the hotel facilities which include wireless internet and an indoor swimming pool. Then at night have a great nights sleep in one of the luxurious bedrooms. (Rooms from 137 per night)

Dalhousie Castle

A unique castle hotel just a few minutes drive from Edinburgh, you are close enough to be accessible to the city but far enough away to enjoy secluded surroundings. This is ideal for anyone wanting to have a relaxing break in the unique surrounding of a traditional Scottish castle. Enjoy dungeon dining, the wonderful countryside or a day at the unique Aqueous Spa. (Rooms from 75 per night)

The Glasshouse

Award wining five star accommodation only a short stroll from Princes Street and Waverley railway station. Indulge in 24 hour room service or watch satellite TV in your comfortable guestrooms or go out and explore the many sights and attractions around Edinburgh. A perfect place for relaxation or exploration. (Rooms from 88 per night)

For a wide selection of both luxury hotels in Edinburgh and accommodation in Edinburgh visit Rooms in Edinburgh.

The author is an experienced traveller from Scotland whom runs a small group of affiliate marketing related travel websites in the UK.

Insulation Blocking Attic Vents

Do You Really Know Why Your A Christian

Thomas Yuschak
Robert Moss

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Who Said The Bible Was Easy To Understand

Pokemon And Religion
My Parents Influence On Me

Bathroom Lighting Fixtures - How to Choose For Your Remodeling Project

When thinking about a bathroom remodeling project, there are many things to consider. One of the most important items you will need is light fixtures. Keep in mind there will be differences in your project depending on if you are working with an existing home or a brand new home. If you are remodeling an existing home, your lighting requirements for bathroom light fixtures may be different than if you are building a new home. For instance, in an existing home, there will likely be elements in place that dictate the basic style of bathroom vanity you need to choose. Or there could be a decorating style across the rest of your home that you want to continue into the bathroom.

Start by searching the internet to view vast array of light fixture styles available through the many different lighting retail websites. Your choice is important because the way you choose to decorate will need to last for many years and should reflect your personal style. Now is also the time to formulate your budget. Be mindful of costs while shopping and keep your budget updated so you know where you sit. This will assure that you are able to do all of the things you want to in creating a comfortable bathroom.

The size of your bathroom will determine a large amount of your project. It will dictate the style of the bathroom vanity that you choose and the amount of lighting you will need. If the room is small, choose a single sink vanity. If you have a larger space to work with, consider a double sink vanity. The double sink provides additional surface and storage space, and also creates personal space for the people that use the room.

If you are working with a small bathroom, you can create the appearance of a larger space by using light colored paints, selecting a narrow vanity with under-sink storage, and by using mirrors to help create the feeling of more space. Do this by selecting a large mirror that adds dimension.

If you are working with two bathrooms, consider decorating one with a feminine style and the other one with masculine dcor. For a feminine look, use soft light colors for the bathroom vanity and walls, and for the masculine bathroom use strong, dark colors and wood finishes.

The bathroom light fixtures are extremely important to the overall mood in the room. Be sure to work out the electrical wiring for your light fixtures. If you have experience in household wiring you can tackle this project yourself. If you do not have the skills for this, call a professional electrician or select a lighting retailer that can offer you assistance. If you hire out, get at least three quotes so that you can compare the prices. You can find these electricians by going to your computer and searching the internet.

The primary use of a good vanity light fixture is to provide correct lighting for your grooming activities. These lights are placed above and or on the sides of the vanity for good lighting. Often times, the vanity lighting needs to light the entire bathroom, so be sure to choose a fixture or fixtures that you are sure will accomplish this task. Soften the lighting affect in your room with frosted or beige colored light bulbs or by selecting frosted shades for the bulbs. Many lighting retailers have a large selection of shades from which to choose.

When you tackle a project like a bathroom you must do so by sitting down and planning first. The most critical part of your bathroom remodeling project is selecting the light fixtures and the vanity. Everything else will complement these main elements. The floor covering, the walls, the shower and tub colors, and small decorative items you choose will make your bathroom much more appealing and comfortable if you spend the time in the beginning to think through your entire bathroom remodel plan.

Julia Ritzenthaler is Owner of boutique multiple online furniture stores, For more information about unique bathroom vanity ideas, visit us online or email us with your questions at

Mold On Oak Door Jamb

Advantages of Framing With Steel Studs

I have heard all sorts of stories over the years of the advantages in framing with steel versus wood studs. One time I even heard you could build an entire house with the amount of recycled steel from a large automobile such as a Cadillac. I find this hard to believe unless you're building a very small home.

My personal favorite for framing with steel studs is that they are extremely straight. I have built nonbearing partition walls using 12 foot 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs and after the drywall you can lay an 8 foot level to check it for straightness on the wall with amazing results.

If you use 3 1/2 inch wide steel studs with 5/8 of an inch drywall you will get an extremely durable and sturdy wall. Framing was steel studs is common in office renovations or remodeling. Most of the steel stud framing is done via the drywall contractors.

Steel studs and termites do not mix. You'll never have to worry about these little buggers or other uninvited house pests damaging your walls.

Over the years I have heard stories that steel framed buildings are earthquake and fire proof. They might be more resistant to fire than wood but keep in mind when metal is hot enough it will bend and warp making it unusable.

When I hear people talking about a fireproof building built with metal framing components my first thought is all of the other materials used in building the house that are not fire resistant. Don't get a false illusion when buying a house framed with steel studs and think it is 100% fire proof.

As far as steel framed buildings being earthquake proof this is another story. I really can't comment too much on earthquake damage to a steel building. The problem with earthquakes is they seem to create fires. So even if you're building does survive an earthquake it could get damaged by a fire in the area.

I have framed more wood homes than steel homes over the years and my steel stud construction is limited to nonbearing partition walls usually located in office buildings. I love framing with metal because of its light weight and ease of construction.

I still love framing with wood. There is something about what framing that I have always loved and always will.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as

well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Building and Remodeling Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

Visit us and get more information on House Framing Ideas

Exposed Wall Wire Mesh

Spirituality - 3 Questions to Develop Your Personal Spiritual Relationship With Your Higher Power

Women often find themselves searching for deeper meaning in life.

We all know a woman who seems to be at complete peace with her divine relationship. She is serene, has confidence and her life works.

  • Maybe she grew up in a spiritually rich environment and has always felt guided and protected by her Higher Power.
  • Maybe she grew up without a spiritual foundation at all and has developed her Divine Relationship on her own.
  • Maybe she had to reinvent her relationship with her Creator for various reasons.

Whatever her path, a woman in an intimate relationship with her Higher Power is a beautiful being indeed.

So, what about you?

You intuitively know that you are intricately connected to something greater than yourself but if you don't have an established spiritual belief in place, where do you start?

Start here.

Ask yourself these 3 Important Questions designed to help you develop your own deeply personal and satisfying relationship with a Divine Power, however you choose to understand that Power.

#1 What is your current understanding of a Higher Power?

  • You may or may not have had any religious or spiritual instruction growing up. Some of what you did receive may no longer fit what you truly believe. Maybe you have gleaned bits and pieces from various sources and haven't taken the opportunity to put it all together. It doesn't matter really, you are who you are, and you are enough.

#2 How would you like to feel about your relationship with your Higher Power?

  • This may seem like an unusual question. By answering it you will understand what you need from your Divine Relationship. Everyone will want something different.

#3 What questions would you like to find your answers to?

  • You undoubtedly have some questions about spirituality. Gather them up and go looking for answers that feel right.

In the end, all paths lead to the same place.

There are no right or wrong answers. There are so many aspects of spirituality in the world. With a bit of insight you will find the path that feels right for you. You will know when it is a good fit. It will feel like you have "come home".

Caution: Some of us have been wounded spiritually at some point in our lives. If this applies to you, please give yourself the gift of finding a support system. This journey is supposed to feel good, you are supposed to feel connected and loved. Anything less than that is unacceptable. Ask someone for help.

Wishing you Peace & Abundance... Joyce Lee "Your Life Empowerment Coach"


Are you ready for more opportunities to explore and reflect? Go to for your special gift of "20 Profound and Provocative Journal Prompts" designed to help you focus on your life with a spirit of peace.

Joyce Lee is a certified Life Empowerment Coach, Personal Growth Facilitator and Law of Attraction Practitioner, specializes in helping women understand the Law of Attraction and deliberately creating the life they really want.

Spending 15 Minutes Each Day

Floor Decorating Ideas - Bamboo For Flooring

When I was growing up the choice of floor decoration was oilcloth [a thin type of linoleum], or linoleum [lino] in the bedrooms and, in the living rooms downstairs, lino covered with a large rug or, if you had a better budget, herringbone hardwood flooring with a large rug in the middle. A stair runner lined the center of the stairs held in place with a brass stair-rod. These ideas moved on into the 1970s with fitted carpets which had large swirly patterns: you were really somebody if you could afford fitted carpets! Fitted carpets came and stayed, the only real changes being the textures and fabrics, the colours and whether the carpets were plain or patterned. These all changed according to fashion. Cork tiles made a brief appearance as being the must-have flooring options in the bathroom and kitchen. They never really went out of fashion as they are practical and warm underfoot.

However, the late 1990s was when laminate flooring made its appearance and hardwood flooring came back with a vengeance. Floors to aspire to are now hardwood floors, with the whole of the living area having the same kind of flooring. Gone are the days of the unhygienic carpeting in the kitchen: this has been replaced by a multitude of flooring options, from recycled rubber to slate, stone, hardwood, laminates, and tiling. Many bedrooms are also finished with laminate or hardwood flooring, brightened up with scattered rugs. In my own home, however, I have retained deep-pile carpets in the bedrooms and, in all the downstairs rooms I have installed hardwood flooring which has been stained and varnished to give it a deep timbre to bring out the beauty of the wood. It is so much easier to keep clean and I believe this is far more hygienic than fitted carpets everywhere which can harbour germs deep down in the fibres.

The number of DIY shops that sell both hardwood and laminate flooring is amazing when, if you think about it carefully, fitting flooring effectively so that it looks good and lies properly, is an experts' job. It is certainly not something I would consider doing. After all, if you mess it up, hardwood is not a cheap option - if you are paying out that sort of money, as far as I am concerned, it is better to pay a bit more and employ an expert to fit it properly. In this case, the end result well justifies the means! So, if you are choosing laminates or hardwoods, what are you going to be looking for? Good hardwood flooring will add value to your property and will last a lifetime. If it does start to look a bit tired, it just needs to be sanded down, re-stained and given a new coat of varnish. Solid hardwood flooring planks are available in cherry, walnut, maple, and oak. Also available are other woods such as teak and bamboo which, although not a wood but a grass, is very popular in these economically sustainable times.

Home Decorating Ideas offers quick cheap tips on how to decorate your house. Includes tips on decorating the office, living room, bedroom, kitchen and more.

What Causes Attic Odors And Stra

How to Fish Wires Through Walls

1. Decide where you want the wire to exit the wall (do not drill any holes yet) Use a stud finder to make sure the wall has no cross beams between the exit location and the ceiling.

Once you have determined the wall is clear from exit location to the ceiling, cut out a hole in the wall where the cable is to exit.

2. Bring the wire into the wall. Either from the crawlspace or the attic. the crawlspace can be done with a flex bit (3-6ft drill bit sold at lowes or electrical supply house) drill down through the hole in the wall and use the bit to pull the wire back up. Attic is a bit more difficult. You will need help locating the stud wall. Have someone tap lightly on the ceiling with a broom handle. You can feel the vibration with your hand to identify the exact stud wall location. Drill through the center of the 2x4 stud directly beside the tapping and drop the wire through the hole with a glow rod or some kind of weight to pull it down to the hole you cut in the wall.

3. Tips: You can use an insulation brace from the crawlspace to drill in the ceiling that will show you the location if you are working alone. Easily fixed (small hole)

4. Try to identify markers such as light fixtures, ducts, electrical outlet lines, or anything you can use to locate your wall from the attic or crawlspace.

5. Warnings: Always be sure of where you are drilling. If you are not sure it is the correct location, measure again.

6. Be careful when using a flex bit, once it breaks through, stop and tap the bit to see what you are going to hit next. Listen to the sound, may be brick piling, PVC water pipe, or an air conditioner. They each sound different. Ever want to get rid of your TV bill forever?

Installed Skylight In Framing

It's Easier to Get Ready in the Morning With a Three Way Mirrored Medicine Cabinet

When I grew up I had a tiny bathroom, but I didn't care because it was entirely my own. You could barely turn around it was so small. But it had the features I needed including a medicine cabinet with a three way mirror for doing my hair.

Honestly, I don't know how anyone could get ready in the morning with just a single paned mirror. I rely on those three mirrors to angle around and see the back of my head. I now combine it with the full length mirror in the larger bathroom I now have to bounce my reflection off so many surfaces I can see everything easily. Even things I don't want to see so often.

Behind that mirror is the usual medicine cabinet. Mine is stuffed full of beauty supplies and other miscellaneous items that otherwise wouldn't have a home. I'm sure there's several things in there that need to be thrown out. Old perfumes, 3 bottles of mousse, earrings I never wear, maybe I'll go clean that out tonight.

Medicine cabinets are really important. I don't keep much medicine in them, those have to be locked away from the children. So hair products take their place. My cabinet is the of the usual variety, but I really like those recessed ones that look like just a plain mirror and then surprise people when it turns out to have storage space. Even funnier is when people assume the plain mirror is a medicine cabinet and end up ripping it off the wall when they try to open it.

If you want more information on the various styles of recessed medicine cabinet or get a mirror medicine cabinet please visit our website.

Fireplace Books
Home Skylight Books

What Does a GFI Do? - Electrical Problems

In your bathroom you should have a GFI electrical outlet. Most new homes or newly remodeled homes require you to have GFI electrical outlets in the kitchen. Most older kitchens do not have GFI electrical outlets. GFI stands for ground fault circuit interrupter.

Why not call it a GFCI instead of a GFI electrical outlet? Well it is called a GFCI in some instances. GFI is short and is the most common name used by most electricians and builders for this type of outlet.

GFI 's come in 15 amp and 20 amperage outlets. GFI outlets must be wired properly. Make sure you're using the proper wire size when hooking up the GFI outlet.

How do I know which size wire to use? This all depends on how far away you are running it from the electrical panel. There are charts you can use to figure this out. If you are not running the electrical wire more than 80 feet from the electrical panel you can use 12 gauge electrical wires for a 20 amp GFI. This is a general rule of thumb for most electrical house wiring.

If you're going to be using a 15 amp GFI and you are going to be less than 80 feet away from the electrical panel you can use 14 gauge electrical wires. Again this is just a general rule of thumb for most electrical house wiring.

A GFI is a light duty electrical plug used in bathrooms, kitchens and the exterior of your house. The sole purpose of the GFI is to shut the breaker off faster if there is any moisture or light load problems.

Let's say for instance you have your hair dryer plugged into the GFI outlet. The hair dryer somehow falls into the sink while it is on or plugged in. The GFI outlet will instantly shut off because of the sensitivity of the breaker inside of the plug it self.

The GFI plug has a test button and a reset button on it. If you are continually resetting the GFI you will wear it out eventually. I have had GFI plugs after resetting the button about 10 times break and no longer able to use them.

The GFI electrical plug is a great idea and if you don't have them in your bathroom or outside of your home it would be a great idea to have an electrician install them for you.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more Home Building Library and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

San Diego Termite Damage

Drywall Ceilings Water Damage

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Healthy Humidity - Home Tips

During fall or winter, there are only two words to describe the weather - cold and dry. If you've ever experienced going through the entire season before, you'll agree that the conditions are neither healthy nor comfortable. Your lips get dry, your skin gets flaky and you have to nearly drown yourself in lotion and moisturizer. There's an easy way to make dry conditions more comfortable for you and your household - with a humidifier.

What's a Humidifier?

It's basically a small household appliance that balances the humidity in the air by releasing moisture in the form of water vapor. The smallest portable humidifiers typically use a wick mechanism where there's an absorbent material soaked in water which releases the moisture into the surrounding air to achieve equilibrium. There are also larger units for the whole house, humidifiers that can manage your whole house.

Different Kinds of Humidifiers

Aside from the usual wick-type room humidifiers, you'll also find ultrasonic, cool mist and warm mist humidifiers widely available on the market today. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages that you may want to consider if you're planning to buy a unit for your home.

Cool mist and ultrasonic humidifiers work similarly in that they both 'throw' water into the air to increase humidity. A rotating disk flings water at a diffuse in a cool mist dehumidifier to disperse the water molecules into the air. Ultrasonic dehumidifiers use a metal diaphragm that vibrates rapidly to shake the water droplets up into finer particles and create a cool fog.

Vaporizer or warm mist humidifiers, on the other hand, have a reservoir of water. The water is gradually boiled to create steam which is then released into the air. Warm mist humidifiers are generally seen as the 'healthier' option because, unlike ultrasonic and cool mist humidifiers, they don't just release water into the air. The boiling process gets rid of the microorganisms and foreign particles that might be present in the water.

The Health of Benefits from Humidifiers

Although comfort is the most obvious advantage of a humidifier, you're actually getting a lot of health benefits along with it. Your body wasn't designed to thrive in dry environments, and your skin reacts negatively to conditions that aren't humid enough. Better, younger-looking skin is the first thing you'll notice after you install a humidifier in your home.

Dust particles are likelier to float around and circulate when conditions are dry. That means it's easier for the dust particles to get inhaled or to stick to skin where they could trigger dangerous allergic reactions. When there's an ample amount of moisture in the air, dust particles tend to get bogged down and safely clump from the floor where they can't cause allergies.

Add all that to the less static electricity and the better indoor conditions in your home. With all those benefits, it's undeniable that a humidifier will definitely be a good investment for your home. Whether you're getting the smallest room humidifier or an extra-large whole house humidifier, it's a purchase that your whole household will be thankful for.

Herman White is an expert author who writes on various topics. He is constantly involved in writing valuable and informative articles with an interesting pitch that makes readers know more about the things. Keep an eye or scribe to read more from Herman White.

Toilet Paper Under The Bathroom

Does God Not Like Corner Backs?

I am a person that has been on a journey. Over that last few years I have really searched for a spiritual centeredness in my life. I grew up in a very religious family. Religion tore our family apart because certain philosophies could not exist. Everyone felt they had the true way to heaven. Now mind you all of them considered themselves Christian, but with their own brand of Christianity.

My family for me is a microcosm of the world. Everyone is not Christian but each religion feels as though THEY have the way to heaven. As a matter of fact if you do not believe as THEY do then you and others that think like you deserve to die! I never could understand the thought process that another creation of the God you worship should not live because you disagree on some miniscule point. For me it is difficult to understand how a creator of all things can choose one group or one person over another.

One day I was watching a football game. My team did win the game on this particular day. One of the receivers was very emotional during the game after he caught a touch down pass. He sat on the sideline actually crying! After the game a reporter asked the receiver what was going through his mind at that time. The receiver stated that he had spoken with his pastor at church the day before or sometime during the week. He said the pastor told him that God would allow him to do something great in the game to glorify him. Because the touch down was a turning point in the game the receiver surmised that this was the great thing that God had allowed him to do. God was on his side that day according to the receiver. A thought came over my mind at that moment. What did the corner back (this is person that plays a position on defense in American football) do to fall out of favor with God? Did God not like the corner back so he allowed him to get embarrassed on national TV?

I make lite of the situation with the cornerback, but it puts religion in a perspective that we should start to think about someday and I hope soon. Many people think of God as someone watching over all facets of our existence. I know some days he must get tired and just rest. He takes his eyes off the window to the world for brief times. I know this is true because I was going to the barber last week and prayed for a good hair cut. The barber messed up!

I figured I got in the same dog house as the cornerback or else he would not have gotten beat for a touch down and my barber would have had a steady hand. Or maybe he was busy with the guys involved in the war that had the guns praying that they be the ones to live and the other guy die? Have you ever thought how a God would choose which one of his creations would live when they were in conflict? People often speak of God as being the father. If that is so then how does a father choose one child over another? If you are a parent, what could your child do that you would never forgive them for and send their souls to burn in hell for eternity?

I don't think any religion has it right. When there is any thought that God will favor one over another for any reason it is wrong. When we start to question why a God does not work favorably for everyone then maybe we can move away from the thought process of God punishing one person over another. That cornerback has to know that he was not out of favor with God and that is the reason he was embarrassed by that receiver. I have come to believe that God is not a being in any sense of the word. However, there is a source that is greater than us, a source that we are all connected with. This source does not favor anyone anymore than the next person. One day I hope that religion will come to grips with its contradictions and let that lowly corner back know that him being out of favor was not the reason he was beaten on national TV. In our connection with universal consciousness, we all are as great as we choose to be.

Hi my name is Reginald Martin and my perspective is one of a holistic approach with the knowledge of how the universe weaves its interconnected tapestry and affects our lives. I am just like many of you. I have been through many of life's major ups and downs, like the birth of my children, raising a family, a divorce, Amway (any former distributors out there?) starting out dating again after years of marriage and being laid off from a job. These ups and downs can either make you or break you! My friend they made me. Although when my Amway business went under that was close to the straw that broke the camels back for me. J Just kidding. I developed a consciousness about life through the school of hard knocks that I would like to share with you. I look back on many of those events now and can laugh a little. I have been where many of you are about to go. There is a saying that I like, "you can learn from your experiences or from the experiences of others. The former will take you a lot longer to get the lesson but you will eventually learn it." I have mucho experience! My expertise is the areas of man, husband, father, brother, uncle, boss, friend and neighbor. I enjoy sports, reading, blogging and manly things like crotch scratching, yawning and stretching in the morning. Unless you have not lived you know that anything going haywire in those areas can cause you to have mental breakdown followed by a spiritual awakening, or not! And oh yeah, I kinda look at life in an irreverent quirky kind of way. I swear this is like writing an online dating profile!

Helpful Habit Planning Tips

Bathroom Remodeling - Let Your Imagination Bring About Transformation

Throughout the decades the functions of a bathroom have greatly revolved turning it from simply essential to so much more. The changes have been somewhat the answer to the hectic lifestyle of modern people, and are especially needed in the bustling big cities. In the City that Never Sleeps-New York, it definitely pays to be creative in creating a haven of comfort out of your baths. Some imagination integrated into your bathroom remodeling project could give you more than a good boost to your home's value. It could also afford added luxury to your and your loved ones' quality of living.

Depending on your lifestyle and taste, you could recreate your personal space through bathroom remodeling, achieving the most functional and stylish transformation. Typically, it is in the design phase that homeowners get stuck. With the thousands of possible ideas that they could use as inspiration, the task can seem overwhelming. To help you out on this, here are several creative ideas that you can choose from to integrate into your bathroom remodeling:

A Dash of Modernity

Your contemporary home could use a modern bath. If you are a homeowner who wants everything downright functional in a stark, sleek look then this bathroom remodeling style is perfect for you. Organization and surfaces are keys to achieve modernity in the design. Clean lines will give an effect of needed spaciousness. High sheen black counters, stainless steel sinks and features, glass and mirrors would also do great in the design.

Tropical Extravaganza

Wouldn't it be great to be seemingly transported to some tropical resort each opportunity you get to take your time in the bath? Of course.

This bathroom remodeling idea could be realized through using earthly elements. Plants, mini-waterfalls and even some white pebbles could do just the trick. You could even have an open shower if your property could afford you the needed privacy even if your shower area opens up to the heavens.

Asian Invasion

Give in to utter peacefulness and feel the Zen. With a modern Asian bathroom remodeling design, oriental crafts can spruce things up inside your bath. Some of the things that you could implement in your design include jars and other forms of pottery, bamboo walls, and even French doors overlooking a rock garden.

Your Everyday Spa

Wellness and rejuvenation has become more than a therapy thing as it has revolutionized the way people live through its integration in home improvement designs. This bathroom remodeling idea is made possible by innovative spa products that you can find in the market today. From steam showers, to home saunas, whirlpool tubs, to chromatherapy; the options are many. And the best thing about having such is that these products are equipped with state of the art features like radio, telephone, CD player, remote control full-dimensional massages and others.

So which serves as the most tempting way to spend time in the bathroom? But if you can still squeeze out a little more of those creative juices, then by all means do so. Exhaust every possible option to make your bathroom remodeling idea fit your way of living perfectly.

Eugene Makeev has been in the home improvement industry for a while. His skills and expertise, which have been polished through time, are now used to help New York home owners avoid the common bathrooms Staten Island pitfalls by matching their needs with prescreened Bathroom Contractors NYC. Feel free to use our Bathroom Calculator.

Ridge Beam Strap To Wood Post

Realty Remodeling Rules

Thinking of remodeling or renovating? Make sure you do not 'improve' your home out of the neighborhood. It is okay to do this if you want to stay living in it, but if you are making improvements to sell your home at a higher value - beware!

Realtors accept that there is a ceiling in realty prices, no matter which location you live in. The catch-phrase 'location, location, location' is not just for fun; every location has a 'bottom price and a top price'. If you live in a top location area - the sky is the limit - but sadly most of us do not!

If you are living in a lower price area and put in a swimming pool and an outdoor kitchen before you list your house, it will most certainly bring the buyers to your home. It will no doubt bring in offers for your home and all this is good news.

However, while you will be able to sell at the top neighborhood price, the sale price may not reflect the total cost of your improvements.

In order to avoid this error of judgment, ask an expert in the field of neighborhood prices - your local realtor! He or she will be happy to come and advise you on which specific improvements may potentially add value to your specific home in your specific neighborhood.

This is the type of advice that you want if you are improving solely to make money. Many home improvements have been 'analyzed' to see which ones give the best returns on their initial outlay.

For instance, in the 'Money Magazine' they recommend adding a quality deck to bulk up the potential square footage of your property. It should be no larger than the one third the size of your home.

A deck can be transformed into a luxury class fairly inexpensively - outdoor lighting around the deck area, waterproof speakers and an entry via French doors will help. If you use 'cute' strings of outdoor lighting and decorate with potted trees, the deck will have an appealing ambiance.

A report from suggests that the outlay for updating a kitchen can add double of the initial cost of the improvement to the value of your home. If you have a closet that you can turn into a pantry - go for it!

The pantry is a sought after feature in a kitchen at the moment. Islands are another wished-for feature, although preferably with a secondary function such as a sink or breakfast bar stools.

Once again, keep a ceiling on your prices. If your neighborhood is for the average family, it is not worth investing thousands of dollars in top of the line appliances if this will price your home out of the local market. The report suggests that looks and newness are the most important factors.

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Home Buying Books

Inerrancy of the Bible - Are There Mistakes in the Bible

What does the word inerrancy main? Inerrancy would refer to text that is accurate and totally free of any errors or without any mistakes. Does this sound like any book that you have ever read or have knowledge of. Maybe there is a one sentence book that could fall into this category.

Most books however and even this article has mistakes. If I made a decision to base my life, my entire life and that of my children and grandchildren, I would want to make sure that it was accurate as possible.

Is the Bible, 100%, 90%, or even 50% accurate. Are these stories that were written by people many years ago and the lessons have been helpful but now need to be rewritten.

Does the Bible actually contain the will of God? Some scholars believe that certain sections of the Bible meet this criteria while others do not. How can these people judge if they are not God and how can we believe in this stuff is not true.

If the Bible was inspired by God but written by men, this could actually mean that God had complete control over writing the Bible or does this mean that the man wrote the Bible with gods inspiration. I'm inspired by God daily and often write about it, but don't seem to have enough followers to make it into the biblical Hall of Fame. I'm writing with inspired beliefs right now.

If there are errors in the Bible, how extensive or how many errors are there actually. There are actual stories that can be documented as historical facts. This doesn't mean the rest of the Bible is factual, nor does it mean it is historically inaccurate.

The Bible has some errors in it and some facts that we can prove but leaves us with the question, is this a book from the Creator of the universe or a book written by men, to make us believe, it was written by God and if so why are we still believe being in it. Why do some people read this book and other religious text daily? What motivates them to read holy Scripture regularly but doesn't seem to allow them enough time to find out if they are reading accurate information.

The biggest problem I have with the inerrancy of the Bible is the fact that most people tend to ignore certain truths and cling to their childhood beliefs about religion. If this is not the way or the truth, I would want to start looking for it, instead of following someone else's dreams or religious doctrine.

Greg Vanden Berge is a published author, internet marketing expert, motivational inspiration to millions of people all over the world and is sharing some of his wisdom with experts in the fields of writing,marketing, and personal development.

Greg is currently working on a video library filled with great movies on a wide array of topics, like religion, self help and spiritual changes in the world. His views on religious freedom are slowly changing the way people think about institutional religion. Religious Education And Fear

Ceramic Tile Shower Pan Damage

Fix Home Plumbing Problems

Leaking faucets, clogged drains, faulty pipes - is there any hope of getting some respite from the minefield of home plumbing problems? That's the kind of plaintive wail that resonates across homes all over the world. With their anguish unmitigated by any hope of relief, homeowners search relentlessly for some sort of succor.

Your consternation may seem uncannily familiar, but there's absolutely no need to despair. These problems can be countered without falling prey to the guiles of plumbing professionals and their horrendous costs. A few plumbing tools and some patience ensure the blueprint for sparkling success.

Five Boiler-Plate Rules For Success

Routine plumbing problems around the house do not signify the harbinger of doom. Here's how you can go about conducting minor repairs yourself without calamitous results:

  • Before you embark on any kind of repair work, make sure you are armed with proper plumbing tools. Make a beeline to the nearest plumbing supplies store and pick basic tools like an auger, a plunger, a Philips screwdriver, an adjustable wrench, pipe wrenches, slip-joint and needle nose pliers, compression nuts and rings and faucet seats.
  • Familiarize yourself with the location and functioning of the shut-off valve of every fixture, as well as the main shut-off valve in the house. You will need to turn off the water supply during all repair projects.
  • If the problem occurs in a particular fixture, you'll need to close the valve of that fixture only, generally located beneath the fixture, by turning it clockwise. What if that fixture does not have a valve of its own? Simple, then all you do is close the main shut-off valve in the house.
  • To get to the root of a leaky faucet, you'll have to take off the faucet handle with a screwdriver, followed by the screw cap that secures the stem with an adjustable wrench. All this with a great deal of patience and limited force, so that you don't damage the faucet.
  • In some faucets, the washers may have to be replaced to stop the leak, while in washerless faucets, the 'O' rings may be the cause of your anxiety.

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Materials For Stair Treads

Iron Gates - As Good As It Gates

Gates are pretty simple they must allow anything that is worthy of passing through and must block anything that is not. And it can't get any simpler. That is why, today, we design gates that do just that or probably a bit more. Just the thing that must be kept in mind is - that they must be sturdy. So sturdy that a gate is a guard, all by itself, all the time.

When the matter comes to sturdiness, there is, probably, no element to match the goodwill of iron. Iron gates have been in use since ages. And they will be, until a better element is discovered. Iron gates are made, pretty obviously, of iron. The choice of iron is made because of its sturdiness, ability to resist weathers of any season, and its visual beauty. Iron gates stand all extreme conditions and come out as winners all the time.

Cast iron is obtained by melting pig iron, along with considerable amounts of scrap steel and scrap iron. Various steps are then taken to remove any unwanted contaminants like phosphorus and sulfur. Later on, other elements are mixed into the melt before finally obtaining a form that is a produce of casting. This process, as is obvious, provides iron of a very superior quality. Such superior quality reinforces the trust needed to build iron gates. Due to its low melting point, excellent match inability ,cast ability and good fluidity, cast irons are famous with a wide range of applications, that include gates pipes, car and machine parts. Nowadays, cast iron gates are a common sight everywhere.

Wrought iron is commercially pure iron, with a tiny amount of carbon , but it generally contains some amount of slag. Wrought iron gates can be easily welded together and are very tough, malleable, and ductile. This however comes with a price. Wrought iron is quite soft, and hence, wrought iron gates are not a common sight today. Wrought iron is so called as it is wrought from a mixture of porous iron contaminated with slag. Wrought iron is not as strong as compared to its counterpart and is, hence, less used than cast iron. Although there may not be a visible difference between the two different types of irons, their differences in sustaining various conditions are obvious. Hence care must be taken in deciding upon the type of iron to be used for the iron gates. Generally, wrought iron scores a couple of brownie points over cast iron in terms of endurance.

Gate fences too are similar in nature they compliment the iron gates. Gate fences provide added security and more power to the iron gates. Generally gate fences are made out of iron, although whether to use cast iron or wrought iron solely depends upon the owner. Both cast iron and wrought iron gate fences are a common sight. These Iron Gate fences are generally barb-wire fences that are put around the iron gates to provide extra level of security.

Rob Hargreaves - An American Locksmith, living and working in New York City, for NYC Locksmith company - Mr-Locks Inc. To learn more about iron gates and other types of security gates - please visit: and browse through our catalogue of iron work, call or email for additional inquiries about Iron Gates.

Double 2 X 6 Ceiling Beam

Ezekiel Prophecy - Bridge Uniting House of Judah and House of Joseph

The following is a bridge from the Native American spiritual path, the Red Road, as taught by Cherokee elder John Red Hat Duke, to Torah, the holy scriptures of our ancestors in Jerusalem, on which Judah (Jews) and Joseph (Hopi and those tribes associated with them) may unite with HaShem's blessing.

Note: The union of the House of Judah and the House of Joseph is the same event as the completion of the Hopi migration back to Jerusalem, as revealed to Dorothy by Creator. Ezekiel 37

Step 1: Observe nature with awe and gratitude. A sense of love and respect for all creation will begin to grow within me.

Creation. Our universe. The cycles of life and death. A vast composite of exquisite harmony; a truly beautiful harmonic symphony of melodious verse with each vibratory element sustaining one another, loving one another. This is truly a miracle of melodies played out in the grand scheme of creation.

HaShem's plan for humanity is wondrous and exciting! As the salmon swim upstream every year to spawn, they are led by HaShem's awesome spirit. In the wondrous scheme of HaShem's creation, all of creation follows an internal instinct, and so Jacob's children yearn to go home. HaShem has provided an inheritance for them in Judea-Samaria so His plan of creation may be fulfilled.

Step 2: Learn to trust Creator and accept my circumstances. Overcoming adversity will produce spiritual growth within me as I walk the Red Road.

Today we face great adversities, probably greater than any of us have ever seen in our lifetimes. It is also a wonderful time of great opportunity for spiritual growth. We have the potential of rising to great spiritual heights; even to the place of forgiveness, love and tolerance where we will be prepared for the coming of Messiah.

Moses' life was filled with circumstances that tested his faith in HaShem, G-d. He was instructed by Creator to go to Pharaoh and lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Moses had to trust HaShem or he would have given up on his mission before he ever began it because in his mind the work was impossible. Yet, if he had given up and not trusted HaShem, the Israelites could still be living as slaves under the Egyptians, but HaShem's plan was fulfilled. The Israelites were protected and sustained. Creator led them through the wilderness to the land of milk and honey. Through all the adversity of wandering in the wilderness, Moses had to convince the people of Israel to accept their circumstances and trust HaShem and He would lead them home.

We have a tendency to quickly enter the land of 'fire and ice," where our emotions fluctuate to extreme anger (fire) and to coldness and judgment (ice.) Now we must learn to enter the land of 'milk and honey,' where we will nourish, i.e. provide milk for all the children of Jacob with an attitude of sweet forgiveness, i.e. with the sweetness of honey. May we move beyond the place of being extremely difficult to appease to a place where we will bring joy to Jacob and all of our ancestors who wait with hopeful hearts that we will enter the land of milk and honey.

Step 3: Seek for truth within myself, that I may remove hypocrisy and evil intent from within my heart.

Creator is the third partner in procreation. It is He who gives life. It is interesting to note that procreation is the first mitzvah mentioned in the Torah, which gives it primary importance.

Children are the greatest blessing we can have in this life, and Jacob's children were no exception. They were his greatest joy, and it is said that Joseph was his favorite.

This apparently caused jealousy in the hearts of his brothers, except for Benjamin. So they contrived evil action against Joseph to get rid of him. They contemplated killing him, but ended up throwing him down a well from which he was sold into slavery in Egypt.

Joseph's brothers, including Judah, then went home and practiced possibly the greatest hypocrisy and deception of their lives. They pretended to be grief stricken, and convinced their father, Jacob, that Joseph had been mauled to death by wild animals.

However, HaShem was with Joseph, and turned the evil action of his brothers into a positive guidance and blessing for Joseph and for all of Israel.

There is a way to remove jealousy and evil intent from our hearts and return to live in the abundant blessings and unconditional love of HaShem. HaShem commanded the Israelites that He is Yahweh their God who brought them out of Egypt where they lived as slaves. They shall have no other gods to rival Him.

As we serve others with loving-kindness, we serve HaShem. As we allow His Living Waters to flow through our hearts and bring joy to others, the flowing water also purifies our own hearts through love, and this prepares our hearts to be ready for the coming of Messiah. The reason the union has not occurred between Judah and Joseph prior to now is because the people have not been ready! There has been no water in the well!

Is there any other way for all the children of Israel to regain wonderful blessed companionship with Creator except to accept each other with unconditional love and return to being the unified family of Jacob? Let's bring Joseph back home to his father and receive HaShem's blessing.

Step 4: Repent and humbly surrender my will to Creator, that I may become one with Great Spirit.

The joy of walking in harmony with Creator cannot be surpassed by any worldly activity. It produces a profound sense of peace and completeness; it answers the question, "Who am I?"

The House of Israel sinned against HaShem. We chose to live wickedly and rebel against Him. Before we can walk in harmony with Him again, we must see our own wickedness as repulsive and turn away from it in humility and repentance. We must ask HaShem's forgiveness.

We must surrender our arrogant self-will to Creator's will. For instance, He told us to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy, and He declared the seventh day as the Sabbath.

Some of us feel it does not matter which day we choose to call the Sabbath, but that is not humble surrender to the will of HaShem; it is arrogant self-will! The Sabbath given to man was a blessing from HaShem, and a blessing once given cannot be changed! If we desire to walk in companionship with Him and receive of His blessing, we must repent and humbly surrender to His will.

When we have turned away from our wicked ways, and received Creator's forgiveness, then we will be ready to accept our inheritance in Judea-Samaria. Currently, Judah is in control of this area. Although HaShem has promised to join together Judah and Joseph as one stick, it will only be accomplished when the people are ready. Judah must be ready as well as the Ten Northern Tribes; the House of Joseph.

It is not enough to walk in the ways of the Noachide Laws, or to adhere to the 613 laws of the Torah. This is like singing in low bass; a very low vibration. We must sing in high tenor or soprano at a much higher vibration. We must walk the higher spiritual path of purity and unconditional love; the spiritual path of the Keetoowah, the Red Road, in the truth of the Torah. This can only be accomplished by learning to walk in the way Creator commanded when He told us to not bear any grudge against the children of His people, but to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Leviticus 19:18)

All children of Jacob, Israel, must accept one another in the way HaShem commanded before we will be ready to fulfill the prophecy in Ezekiel 37:19. May we be quick to forgive perceived wrongs, and not relish being cruel and difficult to appease. May Israel again see all his children united as one family.

Step 5: Communicate with Great Spirit from my heart; listen, and live the insight I receive.

Israel is to listen! Yahweh our G-d is one G-d, and we must love Him with all our heart, soul, and strength. (Deuteronomy 6:4-5)

Have we lost the unity between our body, mind and spirit? Is our worship of HaShem lip service only? We can try to convince others that we walk with HaShem by speaking about holy things. However, our actions speak much louder than our words, and our actions betray what is in our hearts, and what is in our hearts is who we really are.

Some Israelites were thorns in the side of Moses. They tried to convince the people that they should return to Egypt to the good life. These are the dark forces that are with us still.

Today, Joseph wants to return home and claim his inheritance, but there are those who would deny him that which HaShem has provided, saying Joseph's children are an abomination in the sight of Creator and would only destroy eretz Israel if they were allowed to return.

Judah is refusing to invite Joseph back home, and in some ways he has good reason. The Ten Northern Tribes of Israel have not been living as a light reflecting the wonderful love of HaShem. They have assimilated into the many Nations of the world and many of them are living in idolatry today.

But what has Judah done to draw them back into the love of HaShem? Where is the light that would light the pathway for the rest of Jacob's children to find their way back into the joyous place of living in harmony with Creator? Judah, herself, does not appear to carry this light!

We must rise above the material world of law, only, into the spiritual world of HaShem. It is here that love resides; that HaShem resides. It is here that Light exists. It is here that our thoughts exist and we make our choices.

Creator has given us instruction; we are to have a heart full of unconditional love. If we refuse to accept our brothers and sisters of the House of Israel with unconditional love and forgiveness, and with a helpful spirit to help each other prepare to stand before HaShem in purity and truth, then we are a hypocritical people; we worship HaShem with our lips only! We must live His commands if we are to truly be His people! We must love our people as ourselves; all the children of Jacob!

Step 6: Learn true abstinence. It is in serving others, with an attitude of loving-kindness that I create a flow of Living Waters which will purify my heart.

Joseph served his Egyptian master well. Even when he was falsely accused and imprisoned, he retained his attitude of servitude and loving-kindness by interpreting the dreams of the chief cup-bearer and the chief baker. When the pharaoh had two dreams and could find no one to interpret them, the chief cup-bearer remembered Joseph and told the Pharaoh how he had interpreted his and the chief baker's dreams accurately.

So the Pharaoh called Joseph to him and asked him to interpret his dreams. He did so, and then suggested how the Pharaoh should govern in the approaching times of plenty and famine.

Pharaoh approved of his suggestions and the interpretation of his dreams, and therefore promoted Joseph to chancellor. Only his own throne was above Joseph.

Joseph was blessed by HaShem, and because Pharaoh accepted Joseph into his household, he prospered.

Joseph knew and acknowledged that it was HaShem who interpreted the dreams. He also knew that when he served others, he served Creator.

When Joseph's brothers came to him during the famine and asked for food, Joseph lovingly fed them and provided additional food for them and their families. It was this service with loving-kindness that created tremendous joy in Joseph's heart; the joy of serving HaShem.

Jacob's family was reunited, and the flow of love, the flow of Living Waters, moved them all to tears. This is why water is used as the symbol for the cleansing of the soul. Flowing water purifies, and love flowing from HaShem through compassionate servants like Joseph purify their hearts with the flow of living waters.

This same joy will be experienced again when Joseph's brothers serve HaShem by welcoming Joseph's children and the other members of the House of Israel home. It is then that HaShem will establish a new covenant with the House of Judah and the House of Israel. It will be a covenant written in the heart, a covenant of unconditional love without judgment. It will be a time of great joy and abundant blessing as we experience the wonderful love and compassion of HaShem.

Step 7: Attain complete, joyous harmony with Great Spirit; walk the Red Road. This requires that I totally surrender my will to the will of Creator, and love others unconditionally without judgment because that is who I am.

IAM is calling. Have we forgotten how to listen to His voice? Have Judah and the House of Israel become deaf to the voice of HaShem and turned to self-worship in the ways of the world?

We must return to the ways of the traditional ancestors if we would be ready to welcome Messiah (Masaau). We must return to the ways of Abraham, and the ways HaShem taught Moses when he called His children out of Egypt; out of bondage into a land of milk and honey.

We are invited to enter the land of milk and honey and we can do this by inviting our children home with a sweet, forgiving spirit.

It is time to do more than talk about HaShem and about holy things. It is time to BE that which we were created to be. It is time to become one with the wonderful, awesome IAM; to walk in companionship with Him as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden.

Joseph was a wonderful example, and we can do this as he did. With a forgiving spirit, he fed his brothers when they came to ask for food from him in Egypt during the famine.

Joseph depicted a man totally surrendered to the will of HaShem, else he would have judged his brothers guilty and unconditional love and forgiveness would not have been possible.

Joseph walked the Red Road by fulfilling HaShem's Law of Love, and now Joseph's children are asking his brothers to complete HaShem's plan of Creation by walking in companionship with them along the Red Road and inviting them to come home. Will HaShem hold Judah guiltless if they do any less?

For more information about gaining eternal life in the presence of Creator, and about the return of the long awaited Hopi Pahana, read the books Red Hat Speaks, and Red Hat's Wisdom, by Dorothy K. Daigle. These books can be ordered from any bookstore or online from or

Dorothy was taught by Cherokee elder and wisdom keeper, John Red Hat Duke, for over ten years in the Keetoowah Cherokee spiritual ways, in Eastern philosophy, and in Judaism. She was raised Christian so she has a good working knowledge of Christianity. She now follows no religion but strives to walk the Red Road spiritual path according to Jesus' teachings.

She received her call from Creator in the fall of '92, and was then taught by the great prophet Elijah for four years. She was given four assurances by Creator when He called her. She was told that she was anointed by the Holy One of Israel, that she would be protected until this work was done, that Creator would go before her whenever He sent her somewhere, and that she did not have to prove herself to anyone. She is one of Creator's prophesied Two Witnesses. She carries wisdom of many years of living under Creator's guidance and direction.

Starting With Simple Things