The ultimate part of creating your own reality is your ability to become aware of your own dream. The dream you have of yourself and your life.
At the source of your dream are your fears which create your beliefs about how life should be. This then influences your daily dream and your waking dream instructs the law of attraction.
Think for a moment of the thing in your life which causes you the most pain and suffering? If you will allow yourself to recall it for a moment you will notice something. As you recall that deep hurt, along with it there are images which enter your mind. There are feelings which enter your body. As you are holding those images and those feelings you are in the creative process where the law of attraction begins to go to work.
That dream can always be altered right here and right now as you learn to become aware that you are dreaming up your reality in every moment. How often in the day do you think of the things which displease you? For most people that is every moment of the day.
Every moment of the day you are activating the law of attraction with your deep feelings, thoughts and images. The challenge to change this is where many people have a hard time.
Most people try to alter their conditions by outwardly focusing on them without realizing the core of their problem in the first place. You simply cannot alter your present experiencing from the outer perspective. You cannot change circumstances by forcing them or working hard towards them.
There is something very precious which happens when you do actually change something but you have been unaware of what that switch was. You do it sometimes and other times you fail to do it and then the results are the same troubling repetitive circumstances.
When you are thinking and recalling your past moments you have entered the dreaming state. You have altered your mind and sank deeper into that dream world and that501 is the ultimate creation of your present reality.
You have to ask yourself how deep are you willing to go to alter your present conditions of hurt and suffering to alter your present reality. Your application of the law of attraction will be more rewarding when you do.
Do you know that there are ancient techniques that can increase your manifesting intentions and attract what you want even faster than ever? Visit to learn more about these secrets teachings. Daniel Hinds is the author of the powerful ebook Magic Money.
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