Thursday, May 15, 2008

Recharging Motivation

Discouragement can block motivation because it's difficult to see a reason to put energy into a project or interest when you feel fairly hopeless. When it's gone, how do you get the drive back? When the juice just isn't there, how do you become regenerated to your purpose?

Sometimes there are interests you may try, but a lack of passion leaves your heart uninvolved. In that case, do you really need that particular activity? Maybe you had an interest in sewing your own clothes a couple of years ago and now you have all of these unfinished projects just laying around. If there really is no interest in sewing, you have to ask yourself what will not hold your interest and be more energizing and fulfilling for you. Maybe sewing just isn't your thing.

You really do not have to continue chastising yourself for unfinished things if it truly holds no joy at this point. Some of us grew up with the idea pounded into our heads that you always finish what you start. Does that even almost make sense? If you're so full at the dinner table that one more bite would be a disaster, then you simply don't finish. Sometimes there are situations that you are obligated to complete because of a prior commitment. This could be work related or family situation, or a promise to a friend. In those cases, it may be helpful to try to visualize what gave you the motivation when you started the project. Maybe it's career goals, family loyalty or a desire to help a friend. Let the memory of that renew your motivation. You will bring satisfaction to another person and be rewarded by the feeling you get when you keep a promise.

It's not always easy to imagine the future, but try to imagine what you hope the outcome will be once you have reached your goal. At one point there was a spark when you began that project. You have to look inside and find that spark again. Sometimes when a project seems particularly grueling, this will cause doubt and worry. It is possible to get past what seems to be the most difficult parts and look once more with a fresh perspective.

If you run into a problem at work that saps your motivation, try enlisting the aide of a supervisor or co-worker about that particular snag. Try your local home improvement store if you have a prickly home project. Of course, there is always my favorite, the Internet. There are more newsgroups and support forums than you can shake a stick at and they are great places to exchange ideas. You could receive feedback that will help you get past the sticky point in your project. These few simple things could be some of the tools you could use to recharge your motivation.

Robin Skeen

Robin lives in the lovely state of Ohio, USA. She is a freelance writer and Internet marketer. Her website writings are her personal views on self improvement and development, Law of Attraction, Internet Marketing, work at home goals and life in general. Check the website for freebies to be added on a regular basis.

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