Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Psychology of Gratitude and Its Application - Part 3

Psychological preparation

Let us start the ball of activation and cultivation of Gratitude. When we feel dormant in our comfort zone, it is absolutely crucial to awaken the giant within by nudging the spirit to awaken from the comfort zone. How do we really awaken if our 'will' is weak and no results of goodness and abundance are apparent in our life?

1. Get disturbed

Tell the truth about your current obstacles, weakness of the will, and about how you feel

Take massive action

2. Vow Swear an oath, bible, Koran, universe, infinite intelligence, God or whatever is holy or sacred to you. Vow on your life that it is impossible to fail. My vow had been; to overcome my illiteracy during my late 20's and to gain a university degree, this was 15 years ago.

3. Gratitude

Get out of the poor me syndrome!

I can't stress enough on this critical spiritual cleansing of gratitude. When I first heard it, I was so skeptical and associated that with empty theory rehashed from new age or religion. However, my instinct kept telling me that I have nothing to lose if I try it daily for a month. I implemented it and I must admit that it was the wisest experience that I have ever known. Why? Research in psychology and cognitive training demonstrate

How getting out of resentment into full state of gratitude transforms one into a compassionate, vivacious and forward thinking person

Opens neurological pathways of creativity,

Speeds up emotional healing,

Steps you in the hope state of mind and heart,

Became more attractive in every sense to everyone around you.

It was magic!

In my experience, I use music that inspires me, so I get into the groove of gratitude so easily, but not at the earlier stages, because you subconscious mind will try all its force to ridicule you to put you off

Here some tips on gratitude conditioning

4) Past Experiences - Think of time when you felt absolutely ecstatic. Maybe your last day of school when you were at primary or secondary school. Maybe when you received that gift, that prize, find one thing that is so emotionally gratifying. Maybe at times when it felt amazing to just be alive. Those moments demonstrate to you when you felt grateful. "It feels great to be alive!" Pleasant memory recall of those past experiences rekindles those old feelings of gratitude.

5) Affirmations - many millionaires and great achievers exercise their affirmation in a secret place because human nature doesn't like others to find out what they do in private, but trust me, they all do it. The military, athletes, pop starts, celebrities, successful leaders, and any over achiever practice this crucial part of linguistic repetition to upload new belief software onto the unconscious mind.

Affirmations are simple statements written in the present tense with positive enforcement imprinted phrases that affirm how you want to feel. Allocate time and space on daily basis to practice the affirmation.

Genesis reveals to us that God started the process of creation by uttering the word. He said, "Let there be light," and the universe began to unfold before him.

The utterance of words when spoken from the molecules of emotions has power. Emotional Thoughts have power too but it is imperative to choose your words very carefully for you shall manifest in body, spirit, and mind what you say. You can literally impress your thoughts, and with emotional utterance of words, you cause things into life..

If you have uttered words of evil, or thought of evil action, I urge you to lay your hand on your mouth. By the power of words you shall be justified and by your evil words you shall be condemned. The words control life and death.

Voice is purely sound in motion, and it is the energy that creates. The untrained mind in this area resides with him or her the Cacophony of sound, which means, chaos of un-coordinated sounds that leads to misfortune, ills and suffering. And if we use the correct words in a correct coherent sound and vibration, we can create our dream land in every area of life.

Part 4 follows shortly.

Andre Zizi is a philosophy graduate, Author - The Spiritual Psychology of the Science of Moneyphology Qualified teacher, and a writer. He is an Independent neuroscience/neuropsychology researcher, a mentor and counsellor with Neuro-Linguistic-Programming diploma.

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