I grew up in an environment of lack. At the tender age of 5, I remembered watching my mother looking all over the house and under the sofa set in our small living room for a five cent coin to pay the vegetable vendor - vegetables that she had wanted to buy to cook our dinner. She didnt find the five cent but the kind vegetable vendor gave her the vegetables anyway.
To save money, I always packed my food to school. This way, I dont need to buy from the school canteen. Most time it was just two slices of bread and a bottle of water.
For a long time I grew up believing that I have to work hard to become rich and that this was the only way to achieve wealth. That was what my parents taught me because that was what they believe in.
So I grew up with a lot of limiting beliefs about moneyFA5. I believe that
* most rich people become rich at the expense of the poor
* money is the root of all evils
* receiving money for helping people is sinful
* I dont deserve to be rich
* being rich is bad
* poor people are more honest than rich people
* poor people are more spiritual
* and many more
Then one day I chance upon a book. In it was the statement below:
Whether you believe it or not, its true.
The statement at first did not strike me as particularly special but somehow it stuck in my mind. Then one fine day, it clicked!
Of course!
All these while Ive been struggling with money, or the lack of it, because deep down inside my subconscious mind I believe that money is bad and since I am good, I should not have too much money. The powerful subconscious mind gives you exactly what you believe in.
I know that by changing my beliefs in money I could change my life from one of lack to one of abundance, but knowing is one thing and doing it is another thing altogether.
Old habits die hard. There was a lot of resistance to changing the old beliefs. Despite putting in all the positive affirmations about money and using subliminal messages, it was still a painstakingly slow process of change - but change it did.
I also learned meditation and learned to become more mindful of my thoughts so that I can delibrately allow only positive thoughts into my subconscious mind. Again, meditation requires lots of patience and discipline, but the fruits of the effort is well worth it. As I purify my mind more and more, I find that not only was I creating more opportunities for wealth into my life, I was also attracting a lot of good people and company as well.
Today, I do not worry about money.
I know I will not be lacking it. The universal law of abundance flows freely into my being and my life as I continue to practice generosity and gratitude towards others.
Wealth and spirituality are not mutually exclusive. In fact, they are one and the same. A person who truly understand the universal laws knows that he or she is a spiritual being that is complete and whole, lacking nothing. That is our nature - unconditional love, joy and abundance. Only when we doubt our true nature does fear of lack creep into our lives. In the presence of fear, we create resistance to the flow of abundance into our lives. Have faith in your wholeness and the universe will provide - without fail.
You can choose to believe in unconditional love, joy and abundance or you can choose to believe otherwise. Whichever you choose, youll be right!
Dr. Tim Ong is a medical doctor who runs his own busy medical practice. In his free time, he enjoys giving public talks, teaching meditation and offering his service to hospice work in the community. He is the webmaster of The Self Improvement Site and Mind Science Info. He is also giving away his personal collection of life transforming ebooks at Book of Transformation.
Wisdom Of The Ages
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