We all know that we should be spending as much time as possible on important but not urgent activities. For example planning, preventing crises before they happen, building relationships and looking for new opportunities. However so many people seem to spend their lives swamped in urgent, unimportant things that they never get the time for the important stuff. If you have this problem, you need to learn a magic word
Creating time to control the crises
If you spend your life going from one crisis to another, or spending time on unimportant trivia, then you need to learn how to use the magic word - NO
Your time is the most precious quantity you have, you only have one chance at it and you need to use it wisely. You must allocate some of it to planning and developing your long term future.
The problem is in our fast paced world of instant communications and higher pressures at work and in the home, there are so many things that could claim some of your time. You will not have the time to do everything and you are going to have to learn to say no.
Learning to s5B4ay no
One of the key concepts of the 7 habits of highly effective people is that you should use principles to guide you. Using principles as a basis, you can develop a clear idea of where you are going in your life your life mission or purpose.
Once you know where you are going, you can work out how you are going to get there. This plan can include your job, your personal life, your life in your community Now you have a basis for evaluating each new request or opportunity as it arises. You can evaluate whether it fits in with what you plan to do and whether you can find the time to do it or not. You will know with reassurance whether to say yes or no.
Saying no can sometimes be difficult. For instance if your boss wants you to help patch up a crisis you might just have to put your other plans on hold for a while. However, you should have a clear plan that you have negotiated with your boss. If your goals will be compromised you can ask your boss which of the other things we have agreed on should I put on hold while I do this new task.
In fact, this approach can work well in lots of different situations. In other situations you are just going to have to find a way to say no as politely as possible.
The person that many people find it hardest to say no to is themselves. You will need to develop the self discipline to work on your goals rather than spend your time on unimpor5B4tant activities like watching the TV, minor interruptions from people around, you inconsequential phone calls and all the other ways that you have of distracting yourself from your true purpose.
No is the most important word in the language of time management in a world where you are bombarded by interruptions and time wasting activities.
The 7 habits of highly effective people teaches us that when you truly know what you want to do and you develop the ability to say no to anything that does not support your life purpose, you will find that you can succeed in reaching your life goals.
Do you want to find out more about the 7 habits of highly effective people
You can get a free e-course the success principle. Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth.
Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.
Louis Braille
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