Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bible Story - King Ahab and Elijah Part 1

God sends Elijah to King Ahab

God's people, living in the land of Palestine, had gone away from Him and had begun to serve idols like the heathen nations around them. Because of this, God had allowed them to suffer many hard things. Their land was divided into two parts which were called the Northern or Israel, and the Southern Kingdom or Judah. In the northern kingdom the people were especially wicked and never turned back to God again.

They had bad kings who led them into wicked ways. Finally a king was crowned there who was very, very wicked. The Bible says, "And Ahab did evil in the sight of the Lord above all that were before him." Long before this God had given them His commandment which said, "Thou shalt have any other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image."

Ahab married a very wicked women from a heathen land. When he brought her to live in Samaria, he began to worship her gods. He built a temple to Baal, her heathen god. Then he made a great image of Baal before which people worshiped. Baal was a sun god and a god of fire. Thousands of people in Samaria began to worship Baal and many hundreds became priests of Baal and lived in his temple, leading the people in this sinful worship.

It seemed as if the whole country would follow the king in this wicked worship and forget the living God. They turned from His commandments. They wanted a god they could see and touch like the nations around them. God did not stop loving His people, even though it grieved Him when they sinned against Him. He sent a prophet to them. A prophet is one who is sent to the people to give them the word of God. They did not have copies of the Bible like we do today. Even though some parts of the Old Testament were written, there were very few copies and only the leaders could have them.

The prophets came to tell the people the message from God. Elijah was a prophet. He was a strong, rugged man who wore a leather girdle or belt. One day God told Elijah to go to King Ahab with a message. It must have taken courage for Elijah to go to the palace and into the presence of the wicked king with all his wealth and his soldiers and servants. Elijah's message was from God. Many years before this, God told them in His law that, if they continued to love and serve Him only, He would bless their land with rain, so that they could have crops each year: but if they turned away from Him and served other gods, He would shut up the heavens so that there would be no rain and nothing would grow, Deut. 11:13-19.

Elijah knew this and he believed that God would do exactly as He had said. Suddenly he appeared before the king and said, "As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except as I say it shall come." Perhaps the king called to his servants to take hold of Elijah and have him punished because he had spoken so boldly, but Elijah turned and walked out of the palace without another word. He had given God's Word to the king as God had commanded him.

Julia Shipley is a committed Christian worshiping and serving in her local church. She has a heart for the young children and the youth believing the word of God is the final authority. For information regarding Sunday school material and Bible stories for 3-11 year olds visit

Germany's Fourth Reich Spreads Its Wings Over the World

Those who strongly disagree with the "European Union" forging ahead, the Euro-skeptics, state sovereignty is under attack and that the EU is going backwards, descending into the darkness of fascism, not advancing democratic ideals but sacrificing them with impunity.

Rodney Atkinson, author of three books on the subject of Fascist Europe Rising (his most recent), led the charge, sounded the alarm, from a strictly secular point of view that interestingly matched what theologian Herbert W. Armstrong was warning about from a purely biblical perspective: the revival of the unholy Roman Empire is well underway and most remain oblivious to its inherent dangers.

Both the Bible and history serve as two witnesses that testify against the German-Jesuit dominated drive to control the European continent and then the world, enforcing a Pax Romana of sordid s5B4orts.

Do you really think such a grand design would limit itself to Europa or restrain itself to remain a regional power? Truth is stranger than fiction.

Calls are increasing for the destruction of the European monster in the making, to abort the beast while it is still possible, due to legitimate concerns ranging from the fascist tendencies of the EU, its Nazi role model starkly laid out and exposed, and fears it will ultimately implode and impede Europe for years and drag the whole world down with it.

In Abolish The European Union, Robert Locke considers "The EU is a mortal threat to the civil liberties of those who live under it.... The EU is quite plausibly the nucleus of an aspiring soft-totalitarian world state; it is in fact far more likely to fulfill this role than the justly-despised UN. I apologize if this sounds alarmist, but history clearly teaches us to think ahead to the logical implications of things that are just beginning... there are signs that Europe is awakening to the monster in its midst."

Even "Former Soviet Dissident Warns For EU Dictatorship"

"In a speech he delivered in Brussels Mr Vladimir Bukovsky called the EU a "monster" that must be destroyed, the sooner the better, before it develops into a fullfledged totalitarian state."

Notice the reoccurring use of the word "monster" in reference t5B4o the rising beast in Europe. Germany is the head of the monster even though The Atlantic Times, among others, looks the other way and refuses to question: Germany Behind the Mask: Monster or Marshmallow? Even though Johannes Gross revealed his countrymen wear a mask. 'But the day may come when someone lifts the mask," he wrote. "... So long as we wear the mask, we remain hidden and continue to conceal the situation from ourselves.'"

Others fear the colossal failure of the European Union and its tragic consequences.

Why the EU Needs to be Destroyed, and Soon laments "The EU wants to recreate the Roman Empire and ends up creating the second fall of Rome."

Christopher Booker and Richard North, co-authors of The Great Deception: Can the European Union Survive? believe the EU is destined to fail and would "leave a terrible devastation behind it, a wasteland from which it would take many years for the peoples of Europe to emerge" and conclude: "... the project Monnet had set on its way was a vast, ramshackle, self-deluding monster: partly suffocating in its own bureaucracy; partly a corrupt racket, providing endless opportunities for individuals and collectives to outwit and exploit their fellow men; partly a mighty engine for promot5B4ing the national interests of those countries who knew how to 'work the system'... The one thing above all the project could never be, because by definition it had never been intended to be, was in the remotest sense democratic."

However, biblical prophecy shows that the European Union will be highly successful, rich and powerful enough to enforce their economic, political and religious views upon the rest of the world, insisting all receive their mark of approval or else (Revelation 13:16-18; 17; 18).

"Corporatism is of course the basic building brick of all fascist systems," Rodney Atkinson notes in CORPORATISM - THE EUROPEAN DISEASE IS CATCHING.

Apparently, Mr. Atkinson is right again as Jerome Corsi has been exposing how our Southern border blurs for global trade, in accordance to treacherous plans well underway to create the "North American Union" that merges Mexico, the United States and Canada, complete with the "Amero," all under "...the Strategic and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP. The SPP agreement was reached between President Bush, President Vicente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin during their March 2005 summit meeting in Waco, Texas. The Bush administration plan is to create a North American Unio5B4n along the model of the European Union...." (emphasis mine).

Corresponding with Mr. Corsi about these developments by design at home and abroad, he responded:

"Common markets and free trade zones are forming across the globe. The North American Union is further along than we think. This is a fight we have to take on, otherwise the USA is gone."

That's the whole purpose of the globalists! No wonder President Bush doesn't give a hoot (remember the Bohemian grove?) about borders with Mexico. Many leaders have sold their souls, betrayed their people and backstabbed their countries.

Reuters Arthur Spiegelman, wrote on May 10, 1996: "Realizing they were losing the war in 1944, Nazi leaders met top German industrialists to plan a secret post-war international network to restore them to power, according to a newly declassified U.S. intelligence document. The document...says an SS general and a representative of the German armaments ministry told such companies as Krupp and Rohling that they must be prepared to finance the Nazi Party...when it went underground."

We are now witnessing the beast beginning to rear its ugly head again and come out from its exile, having taken firm root throughout the world. Germany's Fourth Reich is forming with partnerships around the globe, its Assyrian eagle looking both East and West as its talons are determined to clutch countries as prey and enslave all to their system58D.

The secret Nazis are getting more brazen and will soon shed their corporate, political, educational and religious cloaks to openly promote their new emperor to oversee this international enterprise of elitists called BABYLON.

David Ben-Ariel is a Christian-Zionist writer and author of Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall. With a focus on the Middle East and Jerusalem, his analytical articles help others improve their understanding of that troubled region. Check out the Beyond Babylon blog.

The Promise of the Primitial First-Fruits

When you receive the Seal you will experience death but your soul will live. You will live just like Jesus, the primitial first-fruits, rose from the dead after He was killed.

You will live even after you have died because your soul has not died. If God kills a soul, that soul is sent to hell and can never be with God again. That is the death of the soul and the end of all Life.

But there are other deaths you experience and some of them are good deaths. There is the death of the body. That is not necessarily good but can be good. It is good for the body to die and the soul to go to Heaven.

Then there is spiritual death. That is always a bad death, though not as bad as the death of the soul. Usually you can die spiritually yet your soul will live on. But you are not "fully" alive.

When you sin you die spiritually. When you are sealed the Holy Spirit will come and live within you, inside your belly. The Holy Spirit will give you Life and you will live spiritually.

And you can come to Life again spiritually by repenting from sin. Just as Jesus rose from the dead you can know spiritual Life again after you have spiritually died.

The death of the old natural person is the good death. This is the death you die daily--and the death you die when you are sealed. Your old natural person dies under the feet of Jesus and you are reborn with Life of the Spirit.

Your soul does not die when your old natural self dies, or when your body or Spirit dies either. Your soul will live until Judgment Day and if you are sealed you will belong to God so your soul will live when you are judged.

God will not judge against Himself and He will not condemn Himself. When you are sealed He will write His Name upon you and claim you as His own. So He will not condemn you any more than condemn Himself.

Jesus is the primitial first-fruits of Life from the dead. His resurrection was more glorious than what most of us can boast as our own revival, for the Body of Jesus came back to Life as well as His Soul and Spirit.

You too will live from the dead when you trust in Jesus Christ and become sealed. When God claims you as His own He will give you Life within yourself just as Jesus had Life within Himself.

Adam and Eve brought death upon you and Jesus brings you Life. But not all death is bad death. You will want to take up your cross and follow Jesus daily and put your old natural self to death.

Your Seal is a cross you take up to follow Jesus since you have died at His feet. But just as Jesus had primitial Life within Himself and rose from the dead, so you will live when you sacrifice yourself.

So your Seal will be a symbol of Life as well as of submission to death. Eternal Life. For you will live forever when God has called you by His own Name. He can not die and will not allow His Name to die either.

But you will always die the good death because your old natural self will sometimes resist the Name of God upon you. And by putting it to death, you become less a fallible person and more a perfect creation.

You will always follow Jesus to Life from death, whether good death or bad death. He is the primitial first to rise from the dead and He is the primitial first-fruits. You too will bear the fruit of Life when you receive the Seal.

And now Jason invites you to get your FREE report Are You Making These Mistakes as a Christian?
And donate to get the ebook Seal of the Soul.

Jason Witt