Sunday, May 31, 2009

Five Basic Considerations For Improved Home Security

Of all the possessions a person may come to own over the course of their life, none will be as important and cherished as their very own home. No other possession has come to be imbued with such transcendental notions of worth and importance as the home, which has passed from being a mere object to being a concept, an ideal. Given this incredible appreciation for having one's very own home, it is no surprise that more and more people across the country choose to invest in a home security system every year-there is just no way to feel comfortable, to sleep well at night, without a comprehensive and professionally installed security system. But it's not enough to just contract any run of the mill provider, and it is also not alright to assume that your provider (even the best provider) will be responsible for any and every aspect of your home's security. With these realities in mind, here are five basic considerations to always have present that will help you guarantee the effectiveness and consolidation of your home security.

1) Pick the right company. As has been mentioned, it is not good enough to just choose any old company working in the security field-in fact, many such companies lack staff that are professionally trained in the field, and instead contract third parties that have no training either but that are legally allowed to run monitoring centers. Your provider should be the employer and sole proprietor of every component of your home security system, from the people running the monitoring centers to the live dispatchers themselves to all the different components installed in your home. The larger the operation, generally the higher the quality of protection being provided, so look for a company with more than three or four monitoring centers and millions of customers across the country.

2) Upgrade your system as much as you can. Don't just go with the cheapest plan, but make sure you are receiving all the benefits modern technologies have to offer. Make sure your home security system is both wireless and digital, as anything else is obsolete and will expose you to risks that you should not be exposed to at this point in time. Make sure you have backup communications options, like two-way voice intercom capabilities in your keypad as well as backup cellular tower communications capabilities to reach your monitoring center (in case your land line goes down).

3) Maintain your property. The area around your home is your responsibility to clean, and your home security provider won't be there to cut down dead trees, remove excessive undergrowth, and clear other possible fire risks. Also, you need to make sure you have used fire resistant roofing materials in your home.

4) Leave without making it obvious. Whenever you go on vacation or take an extended leave of absence from home, do your best to cover this fact over using deceptive techniques that will make criminals think you are still home. If possible, use a timer to trip lights in your main entrance and one or two rooms with windows facing the street at around dusk. Disconnect your phones or set the ringer to the lowest possible volume, and do not leave notes on your front door that make your absence completely obvious.

5) Equip all external doors properly. Having the right kinds of locks on all doors leading to the outside is absolutely crucial, even when these doors are being controlled by your alarm system. A minimum of one-inch deadbolts on all exterior doors is advisable.

Your best deterrent to home invasions and break-ins is an ADT alarm system. Don't wonder whether your loved ones and valuables are at risk. Get peace of mind with ADT alarms.

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