Monday, May 11, 2009

The Ten Commandment of Love - Spiritual Psychic Guidance on Love

Dear spiritual friend as you know everything we see and experience is in constant motion. Our reaction to life affects all, we are all interrelated. We are the same yet look different. All seed respond to light but their color is different, the plant reveals what is in the seed. And the love potential in each and every heart is truly sacred treasures of gift of life. As we will all agree we all seek happiness and love and we all are trying to avoid suffering. This is us, "humans" naturally always seeking love.

When we are tiny babies we get the unrestricted love that our souls require by the love and cherish of our parents, particularly mums. Being a mother is a blessed occurrence. And anyone who has not in fact tasted motherhood will not understand the depths of love a mother can hold for her child. And we have all felt that love, it started in the safe and sound place called mother's womb. And once we opened our eyes to life, then we felt the love and joy around us. As we grew reasoned learned, we ourselves loved and been loved. Life with no doubt will fling us off our comfort zone, life will challenges us nearly definitely each day, our families our careers and our love relationships we might be in, will test us.

When the relationships we are in, serve the greater good of each partner, definitely this is well called for. If it does not then clearly like a flower that has not been watered will begin to dry up. Spiritual rose that is blossoming in every hearts spiritualgarden needs love, just like a dehydrated rose needing water. We all act accordingly to demands of our busy lives, but we also need to listen to the rose that is within our hearts. This can happen when we allow time for who we are, taken care of our inner self will surely quench the thirst.

When ever you are in doubt or feel unsure of your hearts potential, then keep in mind these ten commandments of love, that I have put mutually for the ever beautifully fragrant spiritual rose, which is you

1 - commit to memory; the purity within you and loving potential of your own heart and of every other human's heart, by being aware of this truth, reimburse the gift of life, by being compassionate and kind, by reflecting common love through your heart.

2 - commit to memory; our own continued existence depends on our complex society to meet our needs, as a result having kindhearted hearts towards everyone in our societies will cause us to feel the very emotions of happiness we seek.

3 - commit to memory; we humans make mistakes in consequence we grow and, for that reason whether you acted negatively or when you make mistakes in the future, welcome faults of selfishness, learn from it, by taking pleasure of being kind to others. Forgive yourself and others and make amends when necessary

4 - commit to memory; at times of challenges when you are overwhelmed by them, thus sometimes you may not be able to form reasonable thoughts as to why something happened, at times of overwhelm, utilize the force of meditation or prayers, take refuge in the wisdom of the supreme

5 - commit to memory; to be in the present, in the now and this instant, we all place much importance on tomorrows, but when day breaks what are tomorrows. however it is okay to plan as planning saves precious time, but planning and worrying are two different things. Live for today, plan for tomorrow, but don't worry about tomorrows. As it is not promised to me or you. Therefore live with a smile today

6 - commit to memory; to be grateful of life, and be thankful of natures beauty, if you follow the laws of harmony you will find knowledge, the beauty that is around you is always there, therefore it isn't a question of it being there, it is a question of are you taking time to see it? Therefore take time to enjoy the beauty around you.

7 - commit to memory; to learn to speak in a thoughtful kind manner. First to yourself, thus to others.

8 - commit to memory; do not wait for others to love you first, be the leader by loving first, break the ice of fears by the force of your hearts love, Chisel away the doubts of others hearts potential by being the lover first. As the universal lover that loves all, did not wait to be loved, as it is just lover. One moon reflects in every pool, in every pool one moon.

9 - commit to memory; to be yourself. Do not let outside circumstances dictate how you should feel, do not illusion life to be a road to a town called feeling happy. Be yourself as you are the soul guardian of your heart and mind, therefore you know your self better than anyone else.

10 - commit to memory; the will of your heart have to meet its possessor, you. Honor your merits and virtues and distribute them to others.

Beloved spiritual companion, I have shared some strong meaningful ways to be, I am certain you can add so many more simple rules to the listing above. Remembering to develop our hearts garden will yield blissful fruits. When we cultivate love inside our personal hearts, then this can be used to take apart negativity of self and others. I have guided various spiritual seekers to tranquil oceans of their own hearts.

I being a psychic and given psychic guidance have met many beautiful souls all over the world. There are many ways to attend affectionate loving kindheartedness and we know most of them, yet from time to time feel we need to strive for so much material objects in consequence neglecting that extraordinary connection within our hearts. Being able to connect fully to our spiritual hearts will allow the thread of love that binds every single one of us to be stronger. By cultivating loving kindness to life and all beautiful human beings is the primary step to happy life. The township called true happiness is = your hearts spiritual garden. Please do water it consistently

Tolga Savas
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