Monday, May 5, 2008

Magic Of Love - An Introduction

There's a lot more to the magic of love than we could ever cover in one short article, but here's a good place to start.

See, we're so used to hoarding our love - locking it up; hiding it; keeping it safe - that we often end up hiding it even from ourselves. So often, we don't allow ourselves to even FEEL our own love. Not to mention the love that comes from outside sources.

Love is simply too valuable to lose. It's the motivation and the reason for living, when you get right down to it.

The first thing to consider: an unlimited supply of love exists and is always available to us. It's easy to say those words. It's easy to read them, too, and nod your head in agreement.

"Makes sense."

But it's much harder to let it in... to embrace it as really being true. Because when you REALLY let it - YOU have an unlimited supply of love available to YOU - it changes everything about you. Your motivation changes. Your mindset changes. Your priorities shift. Just to name a few things...

I'd like to show you how you can PROVE to yourself you have an unlimited supply of love. That's always available. Simultaneously, you'll also be getting a little taste of the magic of love.

Here's how:

Give your love away freely.

That's it. A simple statement that hides worlds of intricate meanings and applications and treasures and rewards and possibilities. Certainly it needs some explaining...

Because lets face it. You'd have to be CRAZY to give your love away freely! People will walk all over you. You'll be crushed - chewed up and spit out - by an uncaring world.

Because, um, nobody's as loving as you, right?

Even if the implied argument is true: you'll be used by others if you love freely - here's a way to side step the issue. Start by freely loving yourself. And don't tell anybody!

What does it mean to 'freely love' anyway? It means to love without an agenda of any kind. Loving without manipulation. Without hidden motivation. Without expectation of reciprocity. In other words, without the taint.

Without the *intention* of getting anything in return. WITH the intention of giving love - pure and simple.

"I'm going to create an alliance with love; so I can become more. So love can become more."

If you start by loving yourself - with the purest, cleanest, clearest intention you can muster, something interesting happens.

1. You feel a little more love.

2. More love ALWAYS comes in.

3. You quickly come up against any resistance you have to love. Your blockages to feeling more love quickly come to the surface:

"I can't be loved. This won't work. Blah, blah, blah..."

You can start to experience the magic of love in two ways:

First, you experience for yourself that the more love you freely give - even if it's to yourself - the more love that comes in to take it's place. Second, you get in touch with the blockages to feeling love.

Blockages to love are basically lies you've told yourself with enough repetition and enough emotional energy that they've become hard as stone. Or iron. Or so they seem.

When a blockage comes up - you could visualize it - objectify it - as a stone wall, or a hunk of iron, or whatever makes sense for you. Then, simply start loving that object unconditionally.

By loving it you can begin to erode it. By loving it with clear intention, you will see IT more clearly. By loving it with pure intention, you see it more purely. So it becomes easier to let it go.

It takes practice to give love freely. Whether it's to yourself or another. Not because love is difficult, but because we've been so strongly programmed to NOT give love freely.

But now you have a secret way to start. And it will help you start feeling the magic of love.

Mark Ivar Myhre, The Emotional Healing Wizard, writes articles on all aspects of emotional healing. For more information, go to the blog Emotional Times ==>

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