Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Leadership Comes With Risks My Friend

There is no such thing as a perfect leader and no leader is perfect. However, a leader who studies leadership skills, even if they are not the world's best leader can lead effectively if they understand the principles of leadership and execute them correctly.

One of the biggest mistakes that leaders make is they allow their integrity to lapse or they allow someone to attack their personal integrity and personal character without putting up a defense. Integrity is one of the most important things and leadership.

If you lose your integrity or you are perceived to have lost your integrity, then your competitors, as well as those who envy your status, will use it against you and immediately call you; "unfit to lead." There is nothing easy about leadership, but the principles are easy to understand.

If you are in a leadership position, I would sure like to recommend a very good book to you, one that you should read;

"The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make," by Hans Finzel; Cook Communications, Colorado Springs, CO; 2000.

This book discusses the attitude of leadership, how lack of people skills will cause your downfall and why ego-maniac mavericks are out and inspirational team builders are in. You will learn not to be a tyrant, dictator or incorrectly delegate.

You will learn about communication, grooming your successor and focusing on the future. So, I sure hope you read this book before you future history is written. Again, I highly recommend this book and I recommend that you read one chapter per day for two weeks and work on your leadership skills.

"Lance Winslow" - Lance Winslow's Bio. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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