Thursday, April 23, 2009

7 Steps to Get Anything You Want in Life

In this article we are literally giving away the keys to the castle, having studied the majority of self-help materials on the market I have never seen this information broken down and clearly presented ready for anyone to use.

Apply this practical strategy and you can get anything you want in life.

Its important that you understand that this strategy works when all the steps are applied, if you decide to omit any of the steps then your results may vary, but when used together they form the most powerful and effective strategy you'll ever need in creating whatever you want in life.

1. Decide what you want and why you want it

  • Dream BIG Dreams (big dreams inspire you and they give you purpose), when you commit to a big dream your subconscious mind will come up with big ideas to make it happen.
  • Get a clear and compelling vision - Write it down with as much clarity as possible (this forces you to think it through).
  • Define your reasons why (reasons and desire are the fuel for achievement).
  • Do you believe it is possible? - You must believe it to achieve it!

2. Define measurable goals that move you in the direction of what you want
  • Analyse your starting position - where are you now?
  • Determine how far you have to go - where are you going?
  • Define the goals that take you in the right direction, make sure the description of your goal is specific so its clear when you have completed it.
  • Set a deadline (a goal is a dream with a deadline), without a deadline you have no pressure to complete it and you will likely procrastinate, but remember that the deadline is for focus not for failure, if you don't achieve it by the deadline don't consider yourself a failure just learn from the experience, review the goal and set a new deadline.
  • The purpose of the goal is to move you in the direction of your vision, but remember the goal is not the vision.

3. Identify for each goal the steps of action required to complete it
  • Identify the obstacles you will have to overcome (if there are no obstacles it is just an activity).
  • Identify the additional knowledge or skills needed to accomplish your goal.
  • Identify the people, groups and organizations that you will need assistance from.
  • Make a plan - an organized list of activities.

4. Apply visualization and affirmations to program the sub-conscious mind with the desired results
  • See your goal (imagine it) as a reality every day, affirm it to yourself like you have already achieved it.
  • Act as if you have already achieved the goal (how would you feel) - combine emotion with imagination and you will activate forces within yourself that will magnify your ability to create the desired result.
  • Create a vision board; stick up pictures that represent your goals. This will reinforce pictures of your goals into your sub-conscious mind.

5. Take action
  • Make a personal commitment to take one step (big or small) in the direction of your goals each day.
  • Back your goals and plans with Persistence, Discipline and Focus; these characteristics will make you unstoppable.

6. Review your results and adjust your plan of action accordingly
  • Do not become attached to the outcome, this will likely create a sense of desperation that will hold you back.
  • Become open to the fact that the outcome may not be exactly what you intended but instead believe that something of an equal or greater nature will result.

7. Raise your conscious awareness
  • Become more aware of your thoughts, let your emotions act as your guide, remember good thoughts create good feelings so use your built in warning system to let you know when you are thinking in the wrong direction.
  • Keep your attention and focus on what you want; if you find yourself thinking about what you don't want you must bring your thoughts back to what you DO want.

To get the best results please take the time to get the application of this strategy in writing and read it daily, we recommend that you make use of the Life Energizer to assist you in making this happen, then apply affirmations and visualization to program your mind with the desired results. By combining the techniques of focus, visualization and affirmations you will instruct your brains Reticular Activating System (RAS) to notice the people, opportunities and ideas to help bring these written goals to life.

The Coffee Philosophy inspires, motivates and educates using the top personal development resources and strategies that enable you to achieve success, happiness and financial prosperity.

If you're looking for inspiration, guidance and support in living the life you want. If you feel you are meant for greater things then join us on a journey of personal development and self discovery.

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