Saturday, April 18, 2009

How To Set And Achieve Goals - 10 Tips

Mary Kay Ash said that we must have a theme, a goal, a purpose in our lives. If you don't know where you're aiming, you don't have a goal.

According to the dictionary, a goal is an aim or a purpose. It is important to have something to aim towards or strive for; therefore, it is important to have a goal or even a series of goals. Goal setting is an important process for thinking about your future and what you want to achieve. Setting and achieving goals can enable you to achieve success and ensure you turn your dreams turn into reality.

Follow my top 10 tips for creating and reviewing your goals and ensuring that you achieve what you want in your life.

1. Write it down

The first step is for you to think about what you want to achieve. One way of doing this is by creating a be, do, have list. What do you want to do, be or have in your life?

Tip take yourself forward to your 80th birthday, imagine your incredible life, what you have achieved, the amazing things you have done, the fantastic things you have seen, and the changes you have made in your life.

Now document what you have visualized.

2. Review your list

Review the list that you have created. For everything on the list, write a brief sentence why you want to be, do or have each item on your list. If you cant do this with some of them, then cross them off.

3. Prioritize

From your new list, decide the most important areas of your life and within these areas, start to make your plan. You may also want to consider what success means to you in these areas.

4. Write down your goals

From your list, start to write your goals. A goal should be stated in the present tense as if you have already completed the goal. It should also be SMART specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and relevant, and time bound.

5. Create a personal action plan

Once you have defined your goals, start to create a personal action plan. If your goal is long term, it may be easier if you break it down into short term, achievable goals. This will make it feel more realistic and possible. Specify realistic dates by which each part will be completed and you will get a huge sense of achievement once they have been completed.

You also may wish to consider what may get in the way of you achieving these goals and who may be able to support you.

6. Visualize your success

Think forward to the day when you have achieved your goals. What do you see, how do you feel, what do you hear? Imagine yourself in this situation regularly to keep you motivated to achieve success.

7. Review your plan

Your personal action plan is fluid. That means that you can review, update it and develop it as time passes. It you havent met a date, make a new one, every small step is a step closer to your success.

8. Evaluate your plan

Once you have completed your goal or steps along the way, evaluate your achievements and what you have learned from your approach to your goals.

9. Reward your successes

It is important that you reward yourself and celebrate your successes on the journey. Treating yourself can be a huge motivation to achieving your goals.

10. Set new goals

Once you have achieved your goals, it is important to set new ones and continue on your lifes journey.

Copyright Karen Williams 2007. All Rights Reserved

Karen Williams is a Life and Career Development Coach and runs her own coaching practice, Self Discovery Coaching. She has over ten years experience of working in Human Resources, training, coaching and management roles and is a Chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

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