Saturday, April 25, 2009

Feng Shui - Animal Symbols

In Feng Shui, animals are often used as important symbols in the practice of this ancient art. While it is gaining more and more popularity worldwide, Feng Shui has long been handed down from generation to generation in China. It is simply a way of life for the majority of the Chinese people. It is aimed at harmonizing all aspects of life that surround us. The belief is that when all elements surrounding a person are in harmony, then everything else increases and that includes happiness, health, and wealth.

Symbols of every kind are employed in the practice of feng shui. Animals are commonly used to attract luck and prosperity, while others are used to ward off negative forces. In many business establishments - especially in China - you can find these on the top shelves of executive offices.

Let's talk about a few of the animals that you might encounter in the homes or businesses of those who practice Feng Shui. Most of the symbols that you will see are dragon figures that are used during the welcoming of the New Year specifically to attract a prosperous year. You might also find mandarin ducks which are placed in specific parts of the house to enhance love and marriage. A Mingzu elephant, is known to usher in prosperity and to discourage burglary and violence, and it is also frequently found in business establishments and local stores. Other feng shui animals such as turtles, lions, and monkeys have different representations and each is used differently by feng shui fanatics.

In feng shui, animals, which are legendary and have never been known to exist, are also used. One such example is the mythical crane which is shown as a bird next to the phoenix and represents immortality, happiness and long life. In feng shui it is considered to be the greatest representation of stability, good fortune, support and protection. The eight-limbed lion which is also known as the garuda-lion is used to resolve huge conflicts and eases anger and hatred. The makara snail helps resolve arguments among friends, loved ones and family members. It can also help to prevent a break up among lovers and married couples.

Though all these symbols may facilitate the things we aim for in life -health, wealth, and happiness - human efforts are still necessary to meet these goals. These feng shui symbols are meaningless if we don't work hard to earn a living, or if we fail to see the importance of people in our lives, or if we take our health for granted. Ultimately we are responsible, but the proper Feng Shui animals just might give you that extra boost you need to achieve your heart's desires.

Canfeng shui improve your prosperity or even your health?Tips on creating your ultimate feng shui home and even using this ancient Chinese art to turbo charge your career are waiting for you in my free mini-course at

1 comment:

Ryan Biddulph said...


Thanks for providing your Feng Shui insight :)
